3.2 Spatial Subsetting (or Flagging)

Spatial subsetting refers to operations that narrow down the geographic scope of a spatial object (source data) based on another spatial object (target data). We illustrate spatial subsetting using Kansas county borders, the boundary of the High-Plains Aquifer (HPA), and agricultural irrigation wells in Kansas.

First, let’s import all the files we will use in this section.

#--- Kansas county borders ---#
KS_counties <- readRDS("Data/KS_county_borders.rds")

#--- HPA boundary ---#
hpa <- st_read(dsn = "Data", layer = "hp_bound2010") %>%
  .[1, ] %>%

#--- all the irrigation wells in KS ---#
KS_wells <- readRDS("Data/Kansas_wells.rds") %>%

#--- US railroad ---#
rail_roads <- st_read(dsn = "Data", layer = "tl_2015_us_rails") %>%

3.2.1 polygons (source) vs polygons (target)

The following map (Figure 3.4) shows the Kansas portion of the HPA and Kansas counties.58

#--- add US counties layer ---#
tm_shape(KS_counties) +
  tm_polygons() +
#--- add High-Plains Aquifer layer ---#
tm_shape(hpa) +
  tm_fill(col = "blue", alpha = 0.3)
Kansas portion of High-Plains Aquifer and Kansas counties

Figure 3.4: Kansas portion of High-Plains Aquifer and Kansas counties

The goal here is to select only the counties that intersect with the HPA boundary. When subsetting a data.frame by specifying the row numbers you would like to select, you can do

#--- this does not run ---#
data.frame[vector of row numbers, ]

Spatial subsetting of sf objects works in a similar syntax:

#--- this does not run ---#
sf_1[sf_2, ]

where you are subsetting sf_1 based on sf_2. Instead of row numbers, you provide another sf object in place. The following code spatially subsets Kansas counties based on the HPA boundary.

counties_in_hpa <- KS_counties[hpa, ]

See the results below in Figure 3.5.

#--- add US counties layer ---#
tm_shape(counties_in_hpa) +
  tm_polygons() +
#--- add High-Plains Aquifer layer ---#
tm_shape(hpa) +
  tm_fill(col = "blue", alpha = 0.3)
The results of spatially subsetting Kansas counties based on HPA boundary

Figure 3.5: The results of spatially subsetting Kansas counties based on HPA boundary

You can see that only the counties that intersect with the HPA boundary remained. This is because when you use the above syntax of sf_1[sf_2, ], the default underlying topological relations is st_intersects(). So, if an object in sf_1 intersects with any of the objects in sf_2 even slightly, then it will remain after subsetting.

You can specify the spatial operation to be used as an option as in

#--- this does not run ---#
sf_1[sf_2, op = topological_relation_type] 

For example, if you only want counties that are completely within the HPA boundary, you can do the following (the map of the results in Figure 3.6):

counties_within_hpa <- KS_counties[hpa, , op = st_within]
#--- add US counties layer ---#
tm_shape(counties_within_hpa) +
  tm_polygons() +
#--- add High-Plains Aquifer layer ---#
tm_shape(hpa) +
  tm_fill(col = "blue", alpha = 0.3)
Kansas counties that are completely within the HPA boundary

Figure 3.6: Kansas counties that are completely within the HPA boundary

Sometimes, you just want to flag whether two spatial objects intersect or not, instead of dropping non-overlapping observations. In that case, you can use st_intersects().

#--- check the intersections of HPA and counties  ---#
intersects_hpa <- st_intersects(KS_counties, hpa, sparse = FALSE)

#--- take a look ---#
[1,] FALSE
[2,]  TRUE
[3,] FALSE
[4,]  TRUE
[5,]  TRUE
[6,]  TRUE
#--- assign the index as a variable ---#
KS_counties <- mutate(KS_counties, intersects_hpa  = intersects_hpa)

#--- take a look ---#
dplyr::select(KS_counties, COUNTYFP, intersects_hpa)
Simple feature collection with 105 features and 2 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -102.0517 ymin: 36.99308 xmax: -94.59193 ymax: 40.00308
Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
First 10 features:
   COUNTYFP intersects_hpa                       geometry
1       133          FALSE MULTIPOLYGON (((-95.5255 37...
2       075           TRUE MULTIPOLYGON (((-102.0446 3...
3       123          FALSE MULTIPOLYGON (((-98.48738 3...
4       189           TRUE MULTIPOLYGON (((-101.5566 3...
5       155           TRUE MULTIPOLYGON (((-98.47279 3...
6       129           TRUE MULTIPOLYGON (((-102.0419 3...
7       073          FALSE MULTIPOLYGON (((-96.52278 3...
8       023           TRUE MULTIPOLYGON (((-102.0517 4...
9       089           TRUE MULTIPOLYGON (((-98.50445 4...
10      059          FALSE MULTIPOLYGON (((-95.50827 3...

3.2.2 points (source) vs polygons (target)

The following map (Figure 3.7) shows the Kansas portion of the HPA and all the irrigation wells in Kansas.

tm_shape(KS_wells) +
  tm_symbols(size = 0.1) +
tm_shape(hpa) +
  tm_polygons(col = "blue", alpha = 0.1) 
A map of Kansas irrigation wells and HPA

Figure 3.7: A map of Kansas irrigation wells and HPA

We can select only wells that reside within the HPA boundary using the same syntax as the above example.

KS_wells_in_hpa <- KS_wells[hpa, ]

As you can see in Figure 3.8 below, only the wells that are inside (or intersect with) the HPA remained because the default topological relation is st_intersects().

tm_shape(KS_wells_in_hpa) +
  tm_symbols(size = 0.1) +
tm_shape(hpa) +
  tm_polygons(col = "blue", alpha = 0.1) 
A map of Kansas irrigation wells and HPA

Figure 3.8: A map of Kansas irrigation wells and HPA

If you just want to flag wells that intersects with HPA instead of dropping the non-intersecting wells, use st_intersects():

KS_wells <- mutate(KS_wells, in_hpa = st_intersects(KS_wells, hpa, sparse = FALSE))
Simple feature collection with 37647 features and 3 fields
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -102.0495 ymin: 36.99552 xmax: -94.62089 ymax: 40.00199
Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
First 10 features:
   site    af_used                   geometry in_hpa
1     1 232.099948 POINT (-100.4423 37.52046)   TRUE
2     3  13.183940 POINT (-100.7118 39.91526)   TRUE
3     5  99.187052 POINT (-99.15168 38.48849)   TRUE
4     7   0.000000 POINT (-101.8995 38.78077)   TRUE
5     8 145.520499  POINT (-100.7122 38.0731)   TRUE
6     9   3.614535 POINT (-97.70265 39.04055)  FALSE
7    11 188.423543 POINT (-101.7114 39.55035)   TRUE
8    12  77.335960 POINT (-95.97031 39.16121)  FALSE
9    15   0.000000 POINT (-98.30759 38.26787)   TRUE
10   17 167.819034 POINT (-100.2785 37.71539)   TRUE

3.2.3 lines (source) vs polygons (target)

The following map (Figure 3.9) shows the Kansas counties and U.S. railroads.

tm_shape(rail_roads) +
  tm_lines(col = "blue") +
tm_shape(KS_counties) +
  tm_polygons(alpha = 0)  +
  tm_layout(frame = FALSE) 
U.S. railroads and Kansas county boundaries

Figure 3.9: U.S. railroads and Kansas county boundaries

We can select only railroads that intersect with Kansas.

railroads_KS <- rail_roads[KS_counties, ]

As you can see in Figure 3.10 below, only the railroads that intersect with Kansas were selected. Note the lines that go beyond the Kansas boundary are also selected. Remember, the default is st_intersect(). If you would like the lines beyond the state boundary to be cut out but the intersecting parts of those lines to remain, use st_intersection(), which is explained in Chapter 3.4.1.

tm_shape(railroads_KS) +
  tm_lines(col = "blue") +
tm_shape(KS_counties) +
  tm_polygons(alpha = 0)  +
  tm_layout(frame = FALSE) 
Railroads that intersect Kansas county boundaries

Figure 3.10: Railroads that intersect Kansas county boundaries

Unlike the previous two cases, multiple objects (lines) are checked against multiple objects (polygons) for intersection59. Therefore, we cannot use the strategy we took above of returning a vector of TRUE or FALSE using the sparse = TRUE option. Here, we count the number of intersecting counties and then assign TRUE if the number is greater than 0.

#--- check the number of intersecting KS counties ---#
int_mat <- st_intersects(rail_roads, KS_counties) %>% 
  lapply(length) %>% 

#--- railroads ---#
rail_roads <- mutate(rail_roads, intersect_ks  = int_mat > 0)

#--- take a look ---#
dplyr::select(rail_roads, LINEARID, intersect_ks)
Simple feature collection with 180958 features and 2 fields
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -165.4011 ymin: 17.95174 xmax: -65.74931 ymax: 65.00006
Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
First 10 features:
      LINEARID intersect_ks                       geometry
1  11020239500        FALSE MULTILINESTRING ((-79.47058...
2  11020239501        FALSE MULTILINESTRING ((-79.46687...
3  11020239502        FALSE MULTILINESTRING ((-79.66819...
4  11020239503        FALSE MULTILINESTRING ((-79.46687...
5  11020239504        FALSE MULTILINESTRING ((-79.74031...
6  11020239575        FALSE MULTILINESTRING ((-79.43695...
7  11020239576        FALSE MULTILINESTRING ((-79.47852...
8  11020239577        FALSE MULTILINESTRING ((-79.43695...
9  11020239589        FALSE MULTILINESTRING ((-79.38736...
10 11020239591        FALSE MULTILINESTRING ((-79.53848...

3.2.4 polygons (source) vs points (target)

The following map (Figure 3.11) shows the Kansas counties and irrigation wells in Kansas that overlie HPA.

tm_shape(KS_counties) +
  tm_polygons(alpha = 0) +
tm_shape(KS_wells_in_hpa) +
  tm_symbols(size = 0.1) +
  tm_layout(frame = FALSE)
Kansas county boundaries and wells that overlie the HPA

Figure 3.11: Kansas county boundaries and wells that overlie the HPA

We can select only counties that intersect with at least one well.

KS_counties_intersected <- KS_counties[KS_wells_in_hpa, ]  

As you can see in Figure 3.12 below, only the counties that intersect with at least one well remained.

tm_shape(KS_counties) +
  tm_polygons(col = NA) +
tm_shape(KS_counties_intersected) +
  tm_polygons(col ="blue", alpha = 0.6) +
  tm_layout(frame = FALSE)
Counties that have at least one well

Figure 3.12: Counties that have at least one well

To flag counties that have at least one well, use st_intersects() as follows:

int_mat <- st_intersects(KS_counties, KS_wells_in_hpa) %>% 
  lapply(length) %>% 

#--- railroads ---#
KS_counties <- mutate(KS_counties, intersect_wells  = int_mat > 0)

#--- take a look ---#
dplyr::select(KS_counties, NAME, COUNTYFP, intersect_wells)
Simple feature collection with 105 features and 3 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -102.0517 ymin: 36.99308 xmax: -94.59193 ymax: 40.00308
Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
First 10 features:
        NAME COUNTYFP intersect_wells                       geometry
1     Neosho      133           FALSE MULTIPOLYGON (((-95.5255 37...
2   Hamilton      075            TRUE MULTIPOLYGON (((-102.0446 3...
3   Mitchell      123           FALSE MULTIPOLYGON (((-98.48738 3...
4    Stevens      189            TRUE MULTIPOLYGON (((-101.5566 3...
5       Reno      155            TRUE MULTIPOLYGON (((-98.47279 3...
6     Morton      129            TRUE MULTIPOLYGON (((-102.0419 3...
7  Greenwood      073           FALSE MULTIPOLYGON (((-96.52278 3...
8   Cheyenne      023            TRUE MULTIPOLYGON (((-102.0517 4...
9     Jewell      089            TRUE MULTIPOLYGON (((-98.50445 4...
10  Franklin      059           FALSE MULTIPOLYGON (((-95.50827 3...

3.2.5 Subsetting to a geographic extent (bounding box)

We can use st_crop() to crop spatial objects to a spatial bounding box (extent) of a spatial object. The bounding box of an sf is a rectangle represented by the minimum and maximum of x and y that encompass/contain all the spatial objects in the sf. You can use st_bbox() to find the bounding box of an sf object. Let’s get the bounding box of KS_wells_in_hpa (irrigation wells in Kansas that overlie HPA).

#--- get the bounding box of KS_wells ---#
bbox_KS_wells_in_hpa <- st_bbox(KS_wells_in_hpa)  
      xmin       ymin       xmax       ymax 
-102.04953   36.99552  -97.33193   40.00199 
#--- check the class ---#
[1] "bbox"

Visualizing the bounding box (Figure 3.13):

tm_shape(KS_counties) +
  tm_polygons(alpha = 0) +
tm_shape(KS_wells_in_hpa) +
  tm_symbols(size = 0.1) +
tm_shape(st_as_sfc(bbox_KS_wells_in_hpa)) +
  tm_borders(col = "red") +
  tm_layout(frame = NA)
The bounding box of the irrigation wells in Kansas that overlie HPA

Figure 3.13: The bounding box of the irrigation wells in Kansas that overlie HPA

When you use a bounding box to crop an sf objects, you can consider the bounding box as a single polygon.

Let’s crop KS_counties using the bbox of the irrigation wells.

KS_cropped <- st_crop(KS_counties, bbox_KS_wells_in_hpa)  

Here is what the cropped data looks like (Figure 3.14):

tm_shape(KS_counties) +
  tm_polygons(col = NA) +
tm_shape(KS_cropped) +
  tm_polygons(col ="blue", alpha = 0.6) +
  tm_layout(frame = NA)
The bounding box of the irrigation wells in Kansas that overlie HPA

Figure 3.14: The bounding box of the irrigation wells in Kansas that overlie HPA

As you can see, the st_crop() operation cut some counties at the right edge of the bounding box. So, st_crop() is invasive. If you do not like this to happen and want the complete original counties that have at least one well, you can use the subset approach using [, ] after converting the bounding box to an sfc as follows:

KS_complete_counties <- KS_counties[st_as_sfc(bbox_KS_wells_in_hpa), ]  

Here is what the subsetted Kansas county data looks like (Figure 3.15):

tm_shape(KS_counties) +
  tm_polygons(col = NA) +
tm_shape(KS_complete_counties) +
  tm_polygons(col ="blue", alpha = 0.6) +
  tm_layout(frame = NA)
The bounding box of the irrigation wells in Kansas that overlie HPA

Figure 3.15: The bounding box of the irrigation wells in Kansas that overlie HPA

Notice the difference between the result of this operation and the case where we used KS_wells_in_hpa directly to subset KS_counties as shown in Figure 3.12. The current approach includes counties that do not have any irrigation wells inside them.

  1. If you are a Windows user, you may find that only the KS_counties are shown on the created map. There seems to be a limitation to graphics in Windows. See here.↩︎

  2. Of course, this situation arises for a polygons-polygons case as well. The above polygons-polygons example was an exception because hpa had only one polygon object.↩︎