2.9 Non-interactive geometrical operations

There are various geometrical operations that are particularly useful for economists. Here, some of the most commonly used geometrical operations are introduced53. You can see the practical use of some of these functions in Chapter 1.4.

2.9.1 st_buffer

st_buffer() creates a buffer around points, lines, or the border of polygons.

Let’s create buffers around points. First, we read well locations data.

#--- read wells location data ---#
urnrd_wells_sf <-
  readRDS("Data/urnrd_wells.rds") %>%
  #--- project to UTM 14N WGS 84 ---#

Here is the spatial distribution of the wells (Figure 2.4).

tm_shape(urnrd_wells_sf) +
  tm_symbols(col = "red", size = 0.1) +
  tm_layout(frame = FALSE)
Map of the wells

Figure 2.4: Map of the wells

Let’s create buffers around the wells.

#--- create a one-mile buffer around the wells ---#
wells_buffer <- st_buffer(urnrd_wells_sf, dist = 1600)

As you can see, there are many circles around wells with the radius of \(1,600\) meters (Figure 2.5).

tm_shape(wells_buffer) +
  tm_polygons(alpha = 0) +
  tm_shape(urnrd_wells_sf) +
  tm_symbols(col = "red", size = 0.1) +
  tm_layout(frame = NA)
Buffers around wells

Figure 2.5: Buffers around wells

A practical application of buffer creation can be seen in Chapter 1.1.

We now create buffers around polygons. First, read NE county boundary data and select three counties (Chase, Dundy, and Perkins).

NE_counties <-
  readRDS("Data/NE_county_borders.rds") %>%
  filter(NAME %in% c("Perkins", "Dundy", "Chase")) %>%

Here is what they look like (Figure 2.6):

tm_shape(NE_counties) +
  tm_polygons("NAME", palette = "RdYlGn", contrast = .3, title = "County") +
  tm_layout(frame = NA)
Map of the three counties

Figure 2.6: Map of the three counties

The following code creates buffers around polygons (see the results in Figure 2.7):

NE_buffer <- st_buffer(NE_counties, dist = 2000)
tm_shape(NE_buffer) +
  tm_polygons(col = "blue", alpha = 0.2) +
  tm_shape(NE_counties) +
  tm_polygons("NAME", palette = "RdYlGn", contrast = .3, title = "County") +
    legend.outside = TRUE,
    frame = FALSE
Buffers around the three counties

Figure 2.7: Buffers around the three counties

For example, this can be useful to identify observations which are close to the border of political boundaries when you want to take advantage of spatial discontinuity of policies across adjacent political boundaries.

2.9.2 st_area

The st_area() function calculates the area of polygons.

#--- generate area by polygon ---#
  NE_counties <- mutate(NE_counties, area = st_area(NE_counties))
Simple feature collection with 3 features and 10 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 239494.1 ymin: 4430632 xmax: 310778.1 ymax: 4543676
Projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 14N
1      31      135 00835889 0500000US31135 31135 Perkins   06 2287828025
2      31      029 00835836 0500000US31029 31029   Chase   06 2316533447
3      31      057 00835850 0500000US31057 31057   Dundy   06 2381956151
   AWATER                       geometry             area
1 2840176 MULTIPOLYGON (((243340.2 45... 2302174854 [m^2]
2 7978172 MULTIPOLYGON (((241201.4 44... 2316908196 [m^2]
3 3046331 MULTIPOLYGON (((240811.3 44... 2389890530 [m^2]

Now, as you can see below, the default class of the results of st_area() is units, which does not accept numerical operations.

[1] "units"

So, let’s turn it into double.

  NE_counties <- mutate(NE_counties, area = as.numeric(area))
Simple feature collection with 3 features and 10 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 239494.1 ymin: 4430632 xmax: 310778.1 ymax: 4543676
Projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 14N
1      31      135 00835889 0500000US31135 31135 Perkins   06 2287828025
2      31      029 00835836 0500000US31029 31029   Chase   06 2316533447
3      31      057 00835850 0500000US31057 31057   Dundy   06 2381956151
   AWATER                       geometry       area
1 2840176 MULTIPOLYGON (((243340.2 45... 2302174854
2 7978172 MULTIPOLYGON (((241201.4 44... 2316908196
3 3046331 MULTIPOLYGON (((240811.3 44... 2389890530

st_area() is useful when you want to find area-weighted average of characteristics after spatially joining two polygon layers using the st_intersection() function (See Chapter 3.3.3).

2.9.3 st_centroid

The st_centroid() function finds the centroid of each polygon.

#--- create centroids ---#
  NE_centroids <- st_centroid(NE_counties)
Simple feature collection with 3 features and 10 fields
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 271156.7 ymin: 4450826 xmax: 276594.1 ymax: 4525635
Projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 14N
1      31      135 00835889 0500000US31135 31135 Perkins   06 2287828025
2      31      029 00835836 0500000US31029 31029   Chase   06 2316533447
3      31      057 00835850 0500000US31057 31057   Dundy   06 2381956151
   AWATER                 geometry       area
1 2840176 POINT (276594.1 4525635) 2302174854
2 7978172 POINT (271469.9 4489429) 2316908196
3 3046331 POINT (271156.7 4450826) 2389890530

Here’s the map of the output (Figure 2.8).

tm_shape(NE_counties) +
  tm_polygons() +
  tm_shape(NE_centroids) +
  tm_symbols(size = 0.5) +
    legend.outside = TRUE,
    frame = FALSE
The centroids of the polygons

Figure 2.8: The centroids of the polygons

It can be useful when creating a map with labels because the centroid of polygons tend to be a good place to place labels (Figure 2.9).54

tm_shape(NE_counties) +
  tm_polygons() +
  tm_shape(NE_centroids) +
  tm_text("NAME") +
    legend.outside = TRUE,
    frame = FALSE
County names placed at the centroids of the counties

Figure 2.9: County names placed at the centroids of the counties

It may be also useful when you need to calculate the “distance” between polygons.

2.9.4 st_length

We can use st_length() to calculate great circle distances55 of LINESTRING and MULTILINESTRING when they are represented in geodetic coordinates. On the other hand, if they are projected and use a Cartesian coordinate system, it will calculate Euclidean distance. We use U.S. railroad data for a demonstration.

#--- import US railroad data and take only the first 10 of it ---#
  a_railroad <- rail_roads <- st_read(dsn = "Data", layer = "tl_2015_us_rails")[1:10, ]
Reading layer `tl_2015_us_rails' from data source 
  `/Users/tmieno2/Dropbox/TeachingUNL/R_as_GIS/Data' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Simple feature collection with 180958 features and 3 fields
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -165.4011 ymin: 17.95174 xmax: -65.74931 ymax: 65.00006
Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
Simple feature collection with 10 features and 3 fields
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -79.74031 ymin: 35.0571 xmax: -79.2377 ymax: 35.51776
Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
      LINEARID                    FULLNAME MTFCC                       geometry
1  11020239500       Norfolk Southern Rlwy R1011 MULTILINESTRING ((-79.47058...
2  11020239501       Norfolk Southern Rlwy R1011 MULTILINESTRING ((-79.46687...
3  11020239502       Norfolk Southern Rlwy R1011 MULTILINESTRING ((-79.66819...
4  11020239503       Norfolk Southern Rlwy R1011 MULTILINESTRING ((-79.46687...
5  11020239504       Norfolk Southern Rlwy R1011 MULTILINESTRING ((-79.74031...
6  11020239575      Seaboard Coast Line RR R1011 MULTILINESTRING ((-79.43695...
7  11020239576      Seaboard Coast Line RR R1011 MULTILINESTRING ((-79.47852...
8  11020239577      Seaboard Coast Line RR R1011 MULTILINESTRING ((-79.43695...
9  11020239589    Aberdeen and Rockfish RR R1011 MULTILINESTRING ((-79.38736...
10 11020239591 Aberdeen and Briar Patch RR R1011 MULTILINESTRING ((-79.53848...
#--- check CRS ---#
Coordinate Reference System:
  User input: NAD83 
    DATUM["North American Datum 1983",
        ELLIPSOID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,

It uses geodetic coordinate system. Let’s calculate the great circle distance of the lines (Chapter 1.4 for a practical use case of this function).

  a_railroad <- mutate(a_railroad, length = st_length(a_railroad))
Simple feature collection with 10 features and 4 fields
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -79.74031 ymin: 35.0571 xmax: -79.2377 ymax: 35.51776
Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
      LINEARID                    FULLNAME MTFCC                       geometry
1  11020239500       Norfolk Southern Rlwy R1011 MULTILINESTRING ((-79.47058...
2  11020239501       Norfolk Southern Rlwy R1011 MULTILINESTRING ((-79.46687...
3  11020239502       Norfolk Southern Rlwy R1011 MULTILINESTRING ((-79.66819...
4  11020239503       Norfolk Southern Rlwy R1011 MULTILINESTRING ((-79.46687...
5  11020239504       Norfolk Southern Rlwy R1011 MULTILINESTRING ((-79.74031...
6  11020239575      Seaboard Coast Line RR R1011 MULTILINESTRING ((-79.43695...
7  11020239576      Seaboard Coast Line RR R1011 MULTILINESTRING ((-79.47852...
8  11020239577      Seaboard Coast Line RR R1011 MULTILINESTRING ((-79.43695...
9  11020239589    Aberdeen and Rockfish RR R1011 MULTILINESTRING ((-79.38736...
10 11020239591 Aberdeen and Briar Patch RR R1011 MULTILINESTRING ((-79.53848...
1    662.0043 [m]
2    658.1026 [m]
3  19953.8571 [m]
4  13880.5060 [m]
5   7183.7286 [m]
6   1062.4649 [m]
7   7832.3375 [m]
8  31773.7700 [m]
9   4544.6795 [m]
10 17101.8581 [m]

  1. For the complete list of available geometrical operations under the sf package, see here.↩︎

  2. When creating maps with the ggplot2 package, you can use geom_sf_text() or geom_sf_label(), which automatically finds where to put texts. See some examples here.↩︎

  3. Great circle distance is the shortest distance between two points on the surface of a sphere (earth)↩︎