Before you start

In this Chapter, we introduce the stars package (Pebesma 2020) for raster data handling. It can be particularly useful for those who use spatiotemporal raster data often (like daily PRISM and Daymet data) because it brings a framework that provides a consistent treatment of raster data with temporal dimensions. Specifically, stars objects can have a time dimension in addition to the spatial 2D dimensions (longitude and latitude), where the time dimension can take Date values.77 This can be handy for several reasons as you will see below (e.g., filtering the data by date).

Another advantage of the stars package is its compatibility with sf objects as the lead developer of the two packages is the same person. Therefore, unlike the terra package approach, we do not need any tedious conversions between sf and SpatVector. The stars package also allows dplyr-like data operations using functions like filter(), mutate() (see section 7.6).

In Chapters 4 and 5, we used the raster and terra packages to handle raster data and interact raster data with vector data. If you do not feel any inconvenience with the approach, you do not need to read on. Also, note that the stars package was not written to replace either raster or terra packages. Here is a good summary of how raster functions map to stars functions. As you can see, there are many functions that are available to the raster packages that cannot be implemented by the stars package. However, I must say the functionality of the stars package is rather complete at least for most economists, and it is definitely possible to use just the stars package for all the raster data work in most cases.78

Finally, this book does not cover the use of stars_proxy for big data that does not fit in your memory, which may be useful for some of you. This provides an introduction to stars_proxy for those interested. This book also does not cover irregular raster cells (e.g., curvelinear grids). Interested readers are referred to here.

Direction for replication


All the datasets that you need to import are available here. In this chapter, the path to files is set relative to my own working directory (which is hidden). To run the codes without having to mess with paths to the files, follow these steps:

  • set a folder (any folder) as the working directory using setwd()
  • create a folder called “Data” inside the folder designated as the working directory (if you have created a “Data” folder previously, skip this step)
  • download the pertinent datasets from here and put them in the “Data” folder


  • Run the following code to install or load (if already installed) the pacman package, and then install or load (if already installed) the listed package inside the pacman::p_load() function.
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
  stars, # spatiotemporal data handling
  sf, # vector data handling
  tidyverse, # data wrangling
  cubelyr, # handle raster data
  tmap, # make maps
  mapview, # make maps
  exactextractr, # fast raster data extraction
  lubridate, # handle dates
  prism # download PRISM data
  • Run the following code to define the theme for map:

theme_for_map <- theme(
  axis.ticks = element_blank(),
  axis.text= element_blank(), 
  axis.line = element_blank(),
  panel.border = element_blank(),
  panel.grid.major = element_line(color='transparent'),
  panel.grid.minor = element_line(color='transparent'),
  panel.background = element_blank(),
  plot.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent",color='transparent')


———. 2020. Stars: Spatiotemporal Arrays, Raster and Vector Data Cubes.

  1. and other Date classes like POSIXct↩︎

  2. at least on the surface↩︎