01-1: Introduction to R
Chapter 1: R Introduction
02-0: Clone Github Repositories
Chapter 2: Github
02-1: Introduction to Quarto
Chapter 2: Quarto
02-2: Using Quarto to Create Presentations
Chapter 2: Quarto
03-1: Importing Files and Exporting to Files
Chapter 3: Data Wrangling
03-2: Data wrangling with tidyverse : The Basics
Chapter 3: Data Wrangling
03-3: Reshaping and Merging
Chapter 3: Data Wrangling
04-1: Data Visualization with ggplot2 : Basics
Chapter 4: Data Visulization
04-2: Data visualization with ggplot2 : More in One
Chapter 4: Data Visualization
04-3: Data visualization with ggplot2 : Fine Tuning
Chapter 4: Data Visualization
05-1: User-defined Function, Loop, and Parallelization
Chapter 5: Function and Loop
06-1: How to write R codes, manage Projects, work with RStudio
Chapter 6: Reproducibility
07-1: Date and String Management
Chapter 7: Date and String
08-1: Making Tables with flextable
Chapter 8: Make Tables
08-2: Make Regression and Summary Tables with modelsummary
Chapter 8: Make Tables
09-1: R as GIS: Vector Data Basics with the sf package
Chapter 9: Spatial Data
09-2: R as GIS: Raster Data Basics
Chapter 9: Spatial Data
09-3: R as GIS: Creating maps from vector data
Chapter 9: Spatial Data
09-4-1: R as GIS: Interaction of Vector Datasets I
Chapter 9: Spatial Data
09-4-2: R as GIS: Interaction of Vector Datasets II
Chapter 9: Spatial Data
09-5: R as GIS: Interaction of Vector and Raster Datasets
Chapter 9: Spatial Data
09-6: R as GIS: Download Spatial Datasets using R
Chapter 9: Spatial Data