Appendix A — Loop and Parallel Computing

Before you start

Here we will learn how to program repetitive operations effectively and fast. We start from the basics of a loop for those who are not familiar with the concept. We then cover parallel computation using the future.lapply and parallel package. Those who are familiar with lapply() can go straight to Chapter @ref(parcomp).

Here are the specific learning objectives of this chapter.

  1. Learn how to use for loop and lapply() to complete repetitive jobs
  2. Learn how not to loop things that can be easily vectorized
  3. Learn how to parallelize repetitive jobs using the future_lapply() function from the future.apply package

Direction for replication

All the data in this Chapter is generated.

Packages to install and load

Run the following code to install or load (if already installed) the pacman package, and then install or load (if already installed) the listed package inside the pacman::p_load() function.

if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
  dplyr, # data wrangling
  data.table # data wrangling

There are other packages that will be loaded during the demonstration.

A.1 Repetitive processes and looping

A.1.1 What is looping?

We sometimes need to run the same process over and over again often with slight changes in parameters. In such a case, it is very time-consuming and messy to write all of the steps one bye one. For example, suppose you are interested in knowing the square of 1 through 5 (\([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\)). The following code certainly works:

[1] 1
[1] 4
[1] 9
[1] 16
[1] 25

However, imagine you have to do this for 1000 integers. Yes, you don’t want to write each one of them one by one as that would occupy 1000 lines of your code, and it would be time-consuming. Things will be even worse if you need to repeat much more complicated processes like Monte Carlo simulations. So, let’s learn how to write a program to do repetitive jobs effectively using loop.

Looping is repeatedly evaluating the same (except parameters) process over and over again. In the example above, the same process is the action of squaring. This does not change among the processes you run. What changes is what you square. Looping can help you write a concise code to implement these repetitive processes.

A.1.2 For loop

Here is how for loop works in general:

for (x in a_list_of_values){
  you do what you want to do with x

As an example, let’s use this looping syntax to get the same results as the manual squaring of 1 through 5:

for (x in 1:5) {
[1] 1
[1] 4
[1] 9
[1] 16
[1] 25

Here, a list of values is \(1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\). For each value in the list, you square it (x^2) and then print it (print()). If you want to get the square of \(1:1000\), the only thing you need to change is the list of values to loop over as in:

#--- evaluation not reported as it's too long ---#
for (x in 1:1000) {

So, the length of the code does not depend on how many repeats you do, which is an obvious improvement over manual typing of every single process one by one. Note that you do not have to use \(x\) to refer to an object you are going to use. It could be any combination of letters as long as you use it when you code what you want to do inside the loop. So, this would work just fine,

for (bluh_bluh_bluh in 1:5) {
[1] 1
[1] 4
[1] 9
[1] 16
[1] 25

A.1.3 For loop using the lapply() function

You can do for loop using the lapply() function as well.1 Here is how it works:

1 lpply() in only one of the family of apply() functions. We do not talk about other types of apply() functions here (e.g., apply(), spply(), mapply(),, tapply()). Personally, I found myself only rarely using them. But, if you are interested in learning those, take a look at here or here.

#--- NOT RUN ---#
lapply(A, B)

where \(A\) is the list of values you go through one by one in the order the values are stored, and \(B\) is the function you would like to apply to each of the values in \(A\). For example, the following code does exactly the same thing as the above for loop example.

lapply(1:5, function(x) {
[1] 1

[1] 4

[1] 9

[1] 16

[1] 25

Here, \(A\) is \([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\). In \(B\) you have a function that takes \(x\) and square it. So, the above code applies the function to each of \([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\) one by one. In many circumstances, you can write the same looping actions in a much more concise manner using the lapply function than explicitly writing out the loop process as in the above for loop examples. You might have noticed that the output is a list. Yes, lapply() returns the outcomes in a list. That is where l in lapply() comes from.

When the operation you would like to repeat becomes complicated (almost always the case), it is advisable that you create a function of that process first.

#--- define the function first ---#
square_it <- function(x) {

#--- lapply using the pre-defined function ---#
lapply(1:5, square_it)
[1] 1

[1] 4

[1] 9

[1] 16

[1] 25

Finally, it is a myth that you should always use lapply() instead of the explicit for loop syntax because lapply() (or other apply() families) is faster. They are basically the same.2

2 Check this discussion on StackOverflow. You might want to check out this video at 6:10 as well.

A.1.4 Looping over multiple variables using lapply()

lapply() allows you to loop over only one variable. However, it is often the case that you want to loop over multiple variables. However, it is easy to achieve this. The trick is to create a data.frame of the variables where the complete list of the combinations of the variables are stored, and then loop over row of the data.frame. As an example, suppose we are interested in understanding the sensitivity of corn revenue to corn price and applied nitrogen amount. We consider the range of $3.0/bu to $5.0/bu for corn price and 0 lb/acre to 300/acre for nitrogen rate.

#--- corn price vector ---#
corn_price_vec <- seq(3, 5, by = 1)

#--- nitrogen vector ---#
nitrogen_vec <- seq(0, 300, by = 100)

After creating vectors of the parameters, you combine them to create a complete combination of the parameters using the expand.grid() function, and then convert it to a data.frame object3.

3 Converting to a data.frame is not strictly necessary.

#--- crate a data.frame that holds parameter sets to loop over ---#
parameters_data <-
    corn_price = corn_price_vec,
    nitrogen = nitrogen_vec
  ) %>%
  #--- convert the matrix to a data.frame ---#

#--- take a look ---#
   corn_price nitrogen
1           3        0
2           4        0
3           5        0
4           3      100
5           4      100
6           5      100
7           3      200
8           4      200
9           5      200
10          3      300
11          4      300
12          5      300

We now define a function that takes a row number, refer to parameters_data to extract the parameters stored at the row number, and then calculate corn yield and revenue based on the extracted parameters.

gen_rev_corn <- function(i) {

  #--- define corn price ---#
  corn_price <- parameters_data[i, "corn_price"]

  #--- define nitrogen  ---#
  nitrogen <- parameters_data[i, "nitrogen"]

  #--- calculate yield ---#
  yield <- 240 * (1 - exp(0.4 - 0.02 * nitrogen))

  #--- calculate revenue ---#
  revenue <- corn_price * yield

  #--- combine all the information you would like to have  ---#
  data_to_return <- data.frame(
    corn_price = corn_price,
    nitrogen = nitrogen,
    revenue = revenue


This function takes \(i\) (act as a row number within the function), extract corn price and nitrogen from the \(i\)th row of parameters_mat, which are then used to calculate yield and revenue4. Finally, it returns a data.frame of all the information you used (the parameters and the outcomes).

4 Yield is generated based on the Mitscherlich-Baule functional form. Yield increases at the decreasing rate as you apply more nitrogen, and yield eventually hits the plateau.

#--- loop over all the parameter combinations ---#
rev_data <- lapply(1:nrow(parameters_data), gen_rev_corn)

#--- take a look ---#
  corn_price nitrogen   revenue
1          3        0 -354.1138

  corn_price nitrogen   revenue
1          4        0 -472.1517

  corn_price nitrogen   revenue
1          5        0 -590.1896

  corn_price nitrogen  revenue
1          3      100 574.6345

  corn_price nitrogen  revenue
1          4      100 766.1793

  corn_price nitrogen  revenue
1          5      100 957.7242

  corn_price nitrogen  revenue
1          3      200 700.3269

  corn_price nitrogen  revenue
1          4      200 933.7692

  corn_price nitrogen  revenue
1          5      200 1167.212

  corn_price nitrogen  revenue
1          3      300 717.3375

  corn_price nitrogen  revenue
1          4      300 956.4501

  corn_price nitrogen  revenue
1          5      300 1195.563

Successful! Now, for us to use the outcome for other purposes like further analysis and visualization, we would need to have all the results combined into a single data.frame instead of a list of data.frames. To do this, use either bind_rows() from the dplyr package or rbindlist() from the data.table package.

#--- bind_rows ---#
   corn_price nitrogen   revenue
1           3        0 -354.1138
2           4        0 -472.1517
3           5        0 -590.1896
4           3      100  574.6345
5           4      100  766.1793
6           5      100  957.7242
7           3      200  700.3269
8           4      200  933.7692
9           5      200 1167.2115
10          3      300  717.3375
11          4      300  956.4501
12          5      300 1195.5626
#--- rbindlist ---#
    corn_price nitrogen   revenue
         <num>    <num>     <num>
 1:          3        0 -354.1138
 2:          4        0 -472.1517
 3:          5        0 -590.1896
 4:          3      100  574.6345
 5:          4      100  766.1793
 6:          5      100  957.7242
 7:          3      200  700.3269
 8:          4      200  933.7692
 9:          5      200 1167.2115
10:          3      300  717.3375
11:          4      300  956.4501
12:          5      300 1195.5626

A.1.5 Do you really need to loop?

Actually, we should not have used for loop or lapply() in any of the examples above in practice5 This is because they can be easily vectorized. Vectorized operations are those that take vectors as inputs and work on each element of the vectors in parallel6.

5 By the way, note that lapply() is no magic. It’s basically a for loop and not really any faster than for loop.

6 This does not mean that the process is parallelized by using multiple cores.

A typical example of a vectorized operation would be this:

#--- define numeric vectors ---#
x <- 1:1000
y <- 1:1000

#--- element wise addition ---#
z_vec <- x + y

A non-vectorized version of the same calculation is this:

z_la <- lapply(1:1000, function(i) x[i] + y[i]) %>% unlist()

#--- check if identical with z_vec ---#
all.equal(z_la, z_vec)
[1] TRUE

Both produce the same results. However, R is written in a way that is much better at doing vectorized operations. Let’s time them using the microbenchmark() function from the microbenchmark package. Here, we do not unlist() after lapply() to just focus on the multiplication part.


  #--- vectorized ---#
  "vectorized" = {
    x + y
  #--- not vectorized ---#
  "not vectorized" = {
    lapply(1:1000, function(i) x[i] + y[i])
  times = 100,
  unit = "ms"
Unit: milliseconds
           expr      min        lq      mean   median       uq      max neval
     vectorized 0.002788 0.0029520 0.0034153 0.003034 0.003239 0.009471   100
 not vectorized 0.294298 0.3069055 0.3531637 0.319677 0.342473 2.046351   100

As you can see, the vectorized version is faster. The time difference comes from R having to conduct many more internal checks and hidden operations for the non-vectorized one7. Yes, we are talking about a fraction of milliseconds here. But, as the objects to operate on get larger, the difference between vectorized and non-vectorized operations can become substantial8.

7 See this or this to have a better understanding of why non-vectorized operations can be slower than vectorized operations.

8 See here for a good example of such a case. R is often regarded very slow compared to other popular software. But, many of such claims come from not vectorizing operations that can be vectorized. Indeed, many of the base and old R functions are written in C. More recent functions relies on C++ via the Rcpp package.

The lapply() examples can be easily vectorized.

Instead of this:

lapply(1:1000, square_it)

You can just do this:


You can also easily vectorize the revenue calculation demonstrated above. First, define the function differently so that revenue calculation can take corn price and nitrogen vectors and return a revenue vector.

gen_rev_corn_short <- function(corn_price, nitrogen) {

  #--- calculate yield ---#
  yield <- 240 * (1 - exp(0.4 - 0.02 * nitrogen))

  #--- calculate revenue ---#
  revenue <- corn_price * yield


Then use the function to calculate revenue and assign it to a new variable in the parameters_data data.

rev_data_2 <- mutate(
  revenue = gen_rev_corn_short(corn_price, nitrogen)

Let’s compare the two:

  #--- vectorized ---#
  "vectorized" = {
    rev_data <- mutate(parameters_data, revenue = gen_rev_corn_short(corn_price, nitrogen))
  #--- not vectorized ---#
  "not vectorized" = {
    parameters_data$revenue <- lapply(1:nrow(parameters_data), gen_rev_corn)
  times = 100,
  unit = "ms"
Unit: milliseconds
           expr      min        lq      mean   median        uq      max neval
     vectorized 0.270723 0.3026415 0.3716962 0.335093 0.3847645 2.208957   100
 not vectorized 0.888101 0.9615320 1.0799720 1.043019 1.1382010 2.856552   100

Yes, the vectorized version is faster. So, the lesson here is that if you can vectorize, then vectorize instead of using lapply(). But, of course, things cannot be vectorized in many cases.

A.2 Parallelization of embarrassingly parallel processes

Parallelization of computation involves distributing the task at hand to multiple cores so that multiple processes are done in parallel. Here, we learn how to parallelize computation in R. Our focus is on the so called embarrassingly parallel processes. Embarrassingly parallel processes refer to a collection of processes where each process is completely independent of any another. That is, one process does not use the outputs of any of the other processes. The example of integer squaring is embarrassingly parallel. In order to calculate \(1^2\), you do not need to use the result of \(2^2\) or any other squares. Embarrassingly parallel processes are very easy to parallelize because you do not have to worry about which process to complete first to make other processes happen. Fortunately, most of the processes you are interested in parallelizing fall under this category9.

9 A good example of non-embarrassingly parallel process is dynamic optimization via backward induction. You need to know the optimal solution at \(t = T\), before you find the optimal solution at \(t = T-1\).

10 There are many other options including the parallel, foreach packages.

We will use the future_lapply() function from the future.apply package for parallelization10. Using the package, parallelization is a piece of cake as it is basically the same syntactically as lapply().

#--- load packages ---#

You can find out how many cores you have available for parallel computation on your computer using the detectCores() function from the parallel package.


#--- number of all cores ---#
[1] 20

Before we implement parallelized lapply(), we need to declare what backend process we will be using by plan(). Here, we use plan(multisession)11. In the plan() function, we can specify the number of workers. Here I will use the total number of cores less 112.

11 If you are a Mac or Linux user, then the multicore is also available. The multicore process is faster than the multisession process. See this lecture note on parallel programming using R by Dr. Grant McDermott’s at the University of Oregon for the distinctions between the two and many other useful concepts for parallelization. However, multicore is considered less stable than multisession. At the time of this writing, if you run R through RStudio, multicore option is not permitted because of its instability.

12 This way, you can have one more core available to do other tasks comfortably. However, if you don’t mind having your computer completely devoted to the processing task at hand, then there is no reason not to use all the cores.

plan(multisession, workers = detectCores() - 1)

future_lapply() works exactly like lapply().

sq_ls <- future_lapply(1:1000, function(x) x^2)

This is it. The only difference you see from the serialized processing using lapply() is that you changed the function name to future_lapply().

Okay, now we know how we parallelize computation. Let’s check how much improvement in implementation time we got by parallelization.

  #--- parallelized ---#
  "parallelized" = {
    sq_ls <- future_lapply(1:1000, function(x) x^2)
  #--- non-parallelized ---#
  "not parallelized" = {
    sq_ls <- lapply(1:1000, function(x) x^2)
  times = 100,
  unit = "ms"
Unit: milliseconds
             expr         min          lq         mean       median          uq
     parallelized 1224.751139 1238.172530 1269.8089344 1273.7972660 1292.373956
 not parallelized    0.227058    0.242105    0.2615107    0.2524575    0.263589
         max neval cld
 1359.612029   100  a 
    0.726069   100   b

Hmmmm, okay, so parallelization made the code slower… How could this be? This is because communicating jobs to each core takes some time as well. So, if each of the iterative processes is super fast (like this example where you just square a number), the time spent on communicating with the cores outweighs the time saving due to parallel computation. Parallelization is more beneficial when each of the repetitive processes takes long.

One of the very good use cases of parallelization is MC simulation. The following MC simulation tests whether the correlation between an independent variable and error term would cause bias (yes, we know the answer). The MC_sim function first generates a dataset (50,000 observations) according to the following data generating process:

\[ y = 1 + x + v \]

where \(\mu \sim N(0,1)\), \(x \sim N(0,1) + \mu\), and \(v \sim N(0,1) + \mu\). The \(\mu\) term cause correlation between \(x\) (the covariate) and \(v\) (the error term). It then estimates the coefficient on \(x\) vis OLS, and return the estimate. We would like to repeat this process 1,000 times to understand the property of the OLS estimators under the data generating process. This Monte Carlo simulation is embarrassingly parallel because each process is independent of any other.

#--- repeat steps 1-3 B times ---#
MC_sim <- function(i) {
  N <- 50000 # sample size

  #--- steps 1 and 2:  ---#
  mu <- rnorm(N) # the common term shared by both x and u
  x <- rnorm(N) + mu # independent variable
  v <- rnorm(N) + mu # error
  y <- 1 + x + v # dependent variable
  data <- data.table(y = y, x = x)

  #--- OLS ---#
  reg <- lm(y ~ x, data = data) # OLS

  #--- return the coef ---#

Let’s run one iteration,


Okay, so it takes 0.01 second for one iteration. Now, let’s run this 1000 times with or without parallelization.

Not parallelized

#--- non-parallel ---#
MC_results <- lapply(1:1000, MC_sim)


#--- parallel ---#
MC_results <- future_lapply(1:1000, MC_sim)

As you can see, parallelization makes it much quicker with a noticeable difference in elapsed time. We made the code 3.87 times faster. However, we did not make the process 19 times faster even though we used 19 cores for the parallelized process. This is because of the overhead associated with distributing tasks to the cores. The relative advantage of parallelization would be greater if each iteration took more time. For example, if you are running a process that takes about 2 minutes for 1000 times, it would take approximately 33 hours and 20 minutes. But, it may take only 4 hours if you parallelize it on 19 cores, or maybe even 2 hours if you run it on 30 cores.

A.2.1 Mac or Linux users

For Mac users, parallel::mclapply() is just as compelling (or pbmclapply::pbmclapply() if you want to have a nice progress report, which is very helpful particularly when the process is long). It is just as easy to use as future_lapply() because its syntax is the same as lapply(). You can control the number of cores to employ by adding mc.cores option. Here is an example code that does the same MC simulations we conducted above:

#--- mclapply ---#
MC_results <- mclapply(1:1000, MC_sim, mc.cores = detectCores() - 1)

#--- or with progress bar ---#
MC_results <- pbmclapply(1:1000, MC_sim, mc.cores = detectCores() - 1)