5  Spatial Interactions of Vector and Raster Data

Before you start

In this chapter we learn the spatial interactions of a vector and raster dataset. We first look at how to crop (spatially subset) a raster dataset based on the geographic extent of a vector dataset. We then cover how to extract values from raster data for points and polygons. To be precise, here is what we mean by raster data extraction and what it does for points and polygons data:

  • Points: For each of the points, find which raster cell it is located within, and assign the value of the cell to the point.

  • Polygons: For each of the polygons, identify all the raster cells that intersect with the polygon, and assign a vector of the cell values to the polygon

We will show how we can use terra::extract() for both cases. But, we will also see that for polygons, exactextractr::exact_extract() from the exactextractr package is often considerably faster than terra::extract().

To test your knowledge, you can work on coding exercises at Section 5.4.

Direction for replication


All the datasets that you need to import are available here. In this chapter, the path to files is set relative to my own working directory (which is hidden). To run the codes without having to mess with paths to the files, follow these steps:

  • set a folder (any folder) as the working directory using setwd()
  • create a folder called “Data” inside the folder designated as the working directory (if you have created a “Data” folder previously, skip this step)
  • download the pertinent datasets from here
  • place all the files in the downloaded folder in the “Data” folder


Run the following code to install or load (if already installed) the pacman package, and then install or load (if already installed) the listed package inside the pacman::p_load() function.

if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
  terra, # handle raster data
  tidyterra, # handle and visualize raster data
  raster, # handle raster data
  exactextractr, # fast extractions
  sf, # vector data operations
  dplyr, # data wrangling
  tidyr, # data wrangling
  data.table, # data wrangling
  prism, # download PRISM data
  tictoc, # timing codes
  tigris # to get county sf

5.1 Cropping to the Area of Interest

Here we use PRISM maximum temperature (tmax) data as a raster dataset and Kansas county boundaries as a vector dataset.

Let’s download the tmax data for July 1, 2018 (Figure 5.1).

#--- set the path to the folder to which you save the downloaded PRISM data ---#
# This code sets the current working directory as the designated folder
options(prism.path = "Data")

#--- download PRISM precipitation data ---#
  type = "tmax",
  date = "2018-07-01",
  keepZip = FALSE

#--- the file name of the PRISM data just downloaded ---#
prism_file <- "Data/PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil/PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil.bil"

#--- read in the prism data ---#
prism_tmax_0701_sr <- terra::rast(prism_file)
ggplot() +
  geom_spatraster(data = prism_tmax_0701_sr) +
    name = "tmax",
    palette = "muted",
    labels = scales::label_number(suffix = "º"),
    n.breaks = 12,
    guide = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE)
  ) +
Figure 5.1: Map of PRISM tmax data on July 1, 2018

We now get Kansas county border data from the tigris package (Figure 5.2) as sf.

#--- Kansas boundary (sf) ---#
KS_county_sf <-
  #--- get Kansas county boundary ---
  tigris::counties(state = "Kansas", cb = TRUE) %>%
  #--- sp to sf ---#
  sf::st_as_sf() %>%
  #--- transform using the CRS of the PRISM tmax data  ---#
#--- gen map ---#
ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = KS_county_sf, fill = NA, color = "blue") +
Figure 5.2: Kansas county boundaries

Cropping a raster layer to the area of interest can be useful, as it eliminates unnecessary data and reduces processing time. A smaller raster also makes value extraction faster. You can crop a raster layer using terra::crop(), as shown below:

#--- syntax (this does not run) ---#
terra::crop(SpatRaster, sf)

So, in this case, this does the job.

#--- crop the entire PRISM to its KS portion---#
prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr <-

Figure 5.3 shows the PRISM tmax raster data cropped to the geographic extent of Kansas. Notice that the cropped raster layer extends beyond the outer boundary of Kansas state boundary (it is a bit hard to see, but look at the upper right corner).

ggplot() +
  geom_spatraster(data = prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr) +
  geom_sf(data = KS_county_sf, fill = NA, color = "blue") +
    name = "tmax",
    palette = "muted",
    labels = scales::label_number(suffix = "º"),
    n.breaks = 12,
    guide = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE)
  ) +
Figure 5.3: PRISM tmax raster data cropped to the geographic extent of Kansas

5.2 Extracting Values from Raster Layers for Vector Data

In this section, we will learn how to extract information from raster layers for spatial units represented as vector data (points and polygons). For the demonstrations in this section, we use the following datasets:

  • Raster: PRISM tmax data cropped to Kansas state border for 07/01/2018 (obtained in Section 5.1) and 07/02/2018 (downloaded below)
  • Polygons: Kansas county boundaries (obtained in Section 5.1)
  • Points: Irrigation wells in Kansas (imported below)

5.2.1 Simple visual illustrations of raster data extraction

Extracting to Points

Figure 5.4 shows visually what we mean by “extract raster values to points.”


#--- create polygons ---#
polygon <-
    rbind(c(0, 0), c(8, 0), c(8, 8), c(0, 8), c(0, 0))

raster_like_cells <-
  sf::st_make_grid(polygon, n = c(8, 8)) %>%
  sf::st_as_sf() %>%
  mutate(value = sample(1:64, 64))

stars_cells <-
  stars::st_rasterize(raster_like_cells, nx = 8, ny = 8)

cell_centroids <-
  sf::st_centroid(raster_like_cells) %>%

# Create points for which values are extracted
#--- points ---#
point_1 <- sf::st_point(c(2.4, 2.2))
point_2 <- sf::st_point(c(6.7, 1.8))
point_3 <- sf::st_point(c(4.2, 7.1))

#--- combine the points to make a single  sf of points ---#
points <- list(point_1, point_2, point_3) %>%
  sf::st_sfc() %>%
  sf::st_as_sf() %>%
  dplyr::mutate(point_name = c("Point 1", "Point 2", "Point 3"))

# Create maps
ggplot() +
  geom_stars(data = stars_cells, alpha = 0.5) +
  scale_fill_distiller(name = "Value", palette = "Spectral") +
  geom_sf_text(data = raster_like_cells, aes(label = value)) +
  geom_sf(data = points, aes(shape = point_name), size = 2) +
  scale_shape(name = "Points") +
  theme_void() +
Figure 5.4: Visual illustration of raster data extraction for points data

In the figure, we have grids (cells) and each grid holds a value (presented at the center). There are three points. We will find which grid the points fall inside and get the associated values and assign them to the points. In this example, Points 1, 2, and 3 will have 50, 4, 54, respectively,

Extracting to Polygons

Figure 5.5 shows visually what we mean by “extract raster values to polygons.”

# Create a polygon for which values are extracted
polygon_extract <-
    rbind(c(1.5, 2), c(6, 2.3), c(7, 6.5), c(2, 5), c(1.5, 2))

polygons_extract_viz <-
  ggplot() +
  geom_stars(data = stars_cells, alpha = 0.5) +
  scale_fill_distiller(name = "Value", palette = "Spectral") +
  geom_sf(data = polygon_extract, fill = "gray", alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_sf(data = cell_centroids, color = "black", size = 0.8) +
    data = raster_like_cells, 
    aes(label = value),
    nudge_x = -0.25,
    nudge_y = 0.25
  ) +
  theme_void() +

Figure 5.5: Visual illustration of raster data extraction for polygons data

There is a polygon overlaid on top of the cells along with their centroids represented by black dots. Extracting raster values to a polygon means finding raster cells that intersect with the polygons and get the value of all those cells and assigns them to the polygon. As you can see some cells are completely inside the polygon, while others are only partially overlapping with the polygon. Depending on the function you use and its options, you regard different cells as being spatially related to the polygons. For example, by default, terra::extract() will extract only the cells whose centroid is inside the polygon. But, you can add an option to include the cells that are only partially intersected with the polygon. In such a case, you can also get the fraction of the cell what is overlapped with the polygon, which enables us to find area-weighted values later. We will discuss the details these below.

PRISM tmax data for 07/02/2018

#--- download PRISM precipitation data ---#
  type = "tmax",
  date = "2018-07-02",
  keepZip = FALSE

#--- the file name of the PRISM data just downloaded ---#
prism_file <- "Data/PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180702_bil/PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180702_bil.bil"

#--- read in the prism data and crop it to Kansas state border ---#
prism_tmax_0702_KS_sr <-
  terra::rast(prism_file) %>%

Irrigation wells in Kansas:

#--- read in the KS points data ---#
  KS_wells <- readRDS("Data/Chap_5_wells_KS.rds")
Simple feature collection with 37647 features and 1 field
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -102.0495 ymin: 36.99552 xmax: -94.62089 ymax: 40.00199
Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
First 10 features:
   well_id                   geometry
1        1 POINT (-100.4423 37.52046)
2        3 POINT (-100.7118 39.91526)
3        5 POINT (-99.15168 38.48849)
4        7 POINT (-101.8995 38.78077)
5        8  POINT (-100.7122 38.0731)
6        9 POINT (-97.70265 39.04055)
7       11 POINT (-101.7114 39.55035)
8       12 POINT (-95.97031 39.16121)
9       15 POINT (-98.30759 38.26787)
10      17 POINT (-100.2785 37.71539)

Here is how the wells are spatially distributed over the PRISM grids and Kansas county borders (Figure 6.9):

ggplot()  +
  geom_sf(data = KS_county_sf, fill = NA) +
  geom_sf(data = KS_wells, size = 0.05) +
Figure 5.6: Map of Kansas county borders, irrigation wells, and PRISM tmax

5.2.2 Extracting to Points

You can extract values from raster layers to points using terra::extract(). terra::extract() finds which raster cell each of the points is located within and assigns the value of the cell to the point.

#--- syntax (this does not run) ---#
terra::extract(raster, points)

The points objects can be either sf or SpatVect1.

1 terra::extract used to accept only SpatVect and the sf objects had to be converted to a SpatVect using terra::vect()

Let’s extract tmax values from the PRISM tmax layer (prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr) to the irrigation wells (KS_wells as sf):

tmax_from_prism <- terra::extract(prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr, KS_wells)

  ID PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil
1  1                               34.241
2  2                               29.288
3  3                               32.585
4  4                               30.104
5  5                               34.232
6  6                               35.168

The resulting object is a data.frame, where the ID variable represents the order of the observations in the points data and the second column represents that values extracted for the points from the raster cells. So, you can assign the extracted values as a new variable of the points data as follows:

KS_wells$tmax_07_01 <- tmax_from_prism[, -1]

Extracting values from a multi-layer SpatRaster works the same way. Here, we combine prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr and prism_tmax_0702_KS_sr to create a multi-layer SpatRaster and then extract values from them.

#--- create a multi-layer SpatRaster ---#
prism_tmax_stack <- c(prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr, prism_tmax_0702_KS_sr)

#--- extract tmax values ---#
tmax_from_prism_stack <- terra::extract(prism_tmax_stack, KS_wells)

#--- take a look ---#
  ID PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180702_bil
1  1                               34.241                               30.544
2  2                               29.288                               29.569
3  3                               32.585                               29.866
4  4                               30.104                               29.819
5  5                               34.232                               30.481
6  6                               35.168                               30.640

We now have two columns that hold values extracted from the raster cells: the 2nd column for the 1st raster layer and the 3rd column for the 2nd raster layer in prism_tmax_stack.

5.2.3 Extracting to Polygons (terra way)

You can use terra::extract() for extracting raster cell values for polygons as well. For each of the polygons, it will identify all the raster cells whose center lies inside the polygon and assign the vector of values of the cells to the polygon. extract from a single-layer SpatRaster

Let’s extract tmax values from prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr for each of the KS counties.

#--- extract values from the raster for each county ---#
tmax_by_county <- terra::extract(prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr, KS_county_sf)
#--- check the class ---#
[1] "data.frame"
#--- take a look ---#
  ID PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil
1  1                               34.228
2  1                               34.222
3  1                               34.256
4  1                               34.268
5  1                               34.262
6  1                               34.477
#--- take a look ---#
       ID PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil
12840 105                               34.185
12841 105                               34.180
12842 105                               34.241
12843 105                               34.381
12844 105                               34.295
12845 105                               34.267

So, terra::extract() returns a data.frame, where ID values represent the corresponding row number in the polygons data. For example, the observations with ID == n are for the nth polygon. Using this information, you can easily merge the extraction results to the polygons data. Suppose you are interested in the mean of the tmax values of the intersecting cells for each of the polygons, then you can do the following:

#--- get mean tmax ---#
mean_tmax <-
  tmax_by_county %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  summarize(tmax = mean(PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil))

  KS_county_sf <-
    #--- back to sf ---#
    KS_county_sf %>%
    #--- define ID ---#
    mutate(ID := seq_len(nrow(.))) %>%
    #--- merge by ID ---#
    left_join(., mean_tmax, by = "ID")
Simple feature collection with 105 features and 14 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -102.0517 ymin: 36.99302 xmax: -94.58841 ymax: 40.00316
Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
First 10 features:
1       20      175 00485050 0500000US20175 20175       Seward
2       20      027 00484983 0500000US20027 20027         Clay
3       20      171 00485048 0500000US20171 20171        Scott
4       20      047 00484993 0500000US20047 20047      Edwards
5       20      147 00485037 0500000US20147 20147     Phillips
6       20      149 00485038 0500000US20149 20149 Pottawatomie
7       20      055 00485326 0500000US20055 20055       Finney
8       20      167 00485046 0500000US20167 20167      Russell
9       20      135 00485031 0500000US20135 20135         Ness
10      20      093 00485011 0500000US20093 20093       Kearny
1        Seward County     KS     Kansas   06 1656693304  1961444  1 34.21421
2          Clay County     KS     Kansas   06 1671314413 26701337  2 32.58354
3         Scott County     KS     Kansas   06 1858536838   306079  3 34.63195
4       Edwards County     KS     Kansas   06 1610699245   206413  4 33.40829
5      Phillips County     KS     Kansas   06 2294395636 22493383  5 34.01768
6  Pottawatomie County     KS     Kansas   06 2177493041 54149843  6 35.54426
7        Finney County     KS     Kansas   06 3372157854  1716371  7 34.47948
8       Russell County     KS     Kansas   06 2295402858 34126776  8 33.55797
9          Ness County     KS     Kansas   06 2783562234   667491  9 34.77049
10       Kearny County     KS     Kansas   06 2254696661  1133601 10 33.56413
1  MULTIPOLYGON (((-101.0681 3...
2  MULTIPOLYGON (((-97.3707 39...
3  MULTIPOLYGON (((-101.1284 3...
4  MULTIPOLYGON (((-99.56988 3...
5  MULTIPOLYGON (((-99.62821 3...
6  MULTIPOLYGON (((-96.72774 3...
7  MULTIPOLYGON (((-101.103 37...
8  MULTIPOLYGON (((-99.04234 3...
9  MULTIPOLYGON (((-100.2477 3...
10 MULTIPOLYGON (((-101.5419 3... extract and summarize in one step

Instead of finding the mean after applying terra::extract() as done above, you can do that within terra::extract() using the fun option.

#--- extract values from the raster for each county ---#
tmax_by_county <-
    fun = mean
#--- take a look ---#
  ID PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil
1  1                             34.21421
2  2                             32.58354
3  3                             34.63195
4  4                             33.40829
5  5                             34.01768
6  6                             35.54426

You can apply other summary functions like min(), max(), sum(). extract from multi-layer SpatRaster

Extracting values from a multi-layer raster data works exactly the same way except that data processing after the value extraction is slightly more complicated.

#--- extract from a multi-layer raster object ---#
tmax_by_county_from_stack <-

#--- take a look ---#
  ID PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180702_bil
1  1                               34.181                               30.414
2  1                               34.180                               30.314
3  1                               34.210                               30.238
4  1                               34.190                               30.163
5  1                               34.292                               30.207
6  1                               34.258                               30.222

Similar to the single-layer case, the resulting object is a data.frame and you have two columns corresponding to each of the layers in the two-layer raster object. exact = TRUE option

Sometimes, you would like to have how much of the raster cells are intersecting with the intersecting polygon to find area-weighted summary later. In that case, you can add exact = TRUE option to terra::extract().

#--- extract from a multi-layer raster object ---#
tmax_by_county_from_stack <-
    exact = TRUE

#--- take a look ---#
  ID PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180702_bil
1  1                               34.222                               30.489
2  1                               34.181                               30.414
3  1                               34.180                               30.314
4  1                               34.210                               30.238
5  1                               34.190                               30.163
6  1                               34.292                               30.207
1 0.1074196
2 0.8066955
3 0.8067041
4 0.8066761
5 0.8061875
6 0.8054752

As you can see, now you have fraction column to the resulting data.frame and you can find area-weighted summary of the extracted values like this:

tmax_by_county_from_stack %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
    tmax_0701 = sum(fraction * PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil) / sum(fraction),
    tmax_0702 = sum(fraction * PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180702_bil) / sum(fraction)
# A tibble: 105 × 3
      ID tmax_0701 tmax_0702
   <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
 1     1      34.5      30.5
 2     2      34.5      29.8
 3     3      33.6      31.2
 4     4      32.3      29.5
 5     5      32.6      28.7
 6     6      35.7      28.8
 7     7      34.0      30.6
 8     8      33.4      29.9
 9     9      32.9      30.4
10    10      33.4      30.6
# ℹ 95 more rows

5.2.4 Extracting to Polygons (exactextractr way)

exactextractr::exact_extract() function from the exactextractr package is a faster alternative than terra::extract() for a large raster data as we confirm later (exactextractr::exact_extract() does not work with points data at the moment).2 exactextractr::exact_extract() also provides a coverage fraction value for each of the cell-polygon intersections. The syntax of exactextractr::exact_extract() is very much similar to terra::extract().

2 See here for how it does extraction tasks differently from other major GIS software.

#--- syntax (this does not run) ---#
exactextractr::exact_extract(raster, polygons sf, include_cols = list of vars)

A notable difference and advantage of exactextractr::exact_extract() is that you can specify a list of variables from the polygons sf to be inherited to the output. This means that we do not have to merge the output with the polygons sf using the rule that the nth element of the output corresponds to the nth row of polygons sf unlike the terra::extract() way. exactextractr::exact_extract() can accept both SpatRaster and Raster\(^*\) objects as the raster object. However, while it accepts sf as the polygons object, but it does not accept SpatVect. extract from a single-layer SpatRaster

Let’s get tmax values from the PRISM raster layer for Kansas county polygons, the following does the job:

#--- extract values from the raster for each county ---#
tmax_by_county <-
    #--- inherit COUNTYFP from KS_county_sf ---#
    include_cols = "COUNTYFP",
    #--- this is for not displaying progress bar ---#
    progress = FALSE

The resulting object is a list of data.frames.

#--- take a look at the first 6 rows of the first two list elements ---#
tmax_by_county[1:2] %>% lapply(function(x) head(x))
  COUNTYFP  value coverage_fraction
1      175 34.222         0.1074141
2      175 34.181         0.8066747
3      175 34.180         0.8066615
4      175 34.210         0.8066448
5      175 34.190         0.8061629
6      175 34.292         0.8054324

  COUNTYFP  value coverage_fraction
1      027 33.847        0.03732148
2      027 33.897        0.10592906
3      027 34.010        0.10249268
4      027 34.186        0.10018899
5      027 34.293        0.10074520
6      027 34.220        0.09701102

For each element of the list, you see value and coverage_fraction. value is the tmax value of the intersecting raster cells, and coverage_fraction is the fraction of the intersecting area relative to the full raster grid, which can help find coverage-weighted summary of the extracted values (like fraction variable when you use terra::extract() with exact = TRUE).

We can take advantage of dplyr::bind_rows() to combine the list of the datasets into a single data.frame.

  #--- combine ---#
  tmax_combined <- 
    tmax_by_county %>%
    dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
# A tibble: 15,149 × 3
   COUNTYFP value coverage_fraction
   <chr>    <dbl>             <dbl>
 1 175       34.2             0.107
 2 175       34.2             0.807
 3 175       34.2             0.807
 4 175       34.2             0.807
 5 175       34.2             0.806
 6 175       34.3             0.805
 7 175       34.3             0.805
 8 175       34.2             0.805
 9 175       34.2             0.803
10 175       34.2             0.803
# ℹ 15,139 more rows

data.table users can use data.table::rbindlist() instead.

data.table::rbindlist(tmax_by_county, idcol = "id")
          id COUNTYFP  value coverage_fraction
       <int>   <char>  <num>             <num>
    1:     1      175 34.222         0.1074141
    2:     1      175 34.181         0.8066747
    3:     1      175 34.180         0.8066615
    4:     1      175 34.210         0.8066448
    5:     1      175 34.190         0.8061629
15145:   105      197 34.847         0.7625142
15146:   105      197 34.840         0.7627296
15147:   105      197 34.625         0.7640904
15148:   105      197 34.755         0.7634417
15149:   105      197 34.953         0.6051113

Let’s summarize the data by COUNTYFP and then merge it back to the polygons sf data. Here, we calculate coverage-weighted mean of tmax.

#--- weighted mean ---#
  tmax_by_county <-
    tmax_combined %>%
    #--- group summary ---#
    dplyr::group_by(COUNTYFP) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(tmax_aw = sum(value * coverage_fraction) / sum(coverage_fraction))
# A tibble: 105 × 2
   COUNTYFP tmax_aw
   <chr>      <dbl>
 1 001         34.3
 2 003         34.9
 3 005         35.3
 4 007         34.1
 5 009         32.9
 6 011         34.8
 7 013         34.9
 8 015         34.3
 9 017         35.8
10 019         33.4
# ℹ 95 more rows
#--- merge ---#
dplyr::left_join(KS_county_sf, tmax_by_county, by = "COUNTYFP") %>%
  dplyr::select(COUNTYFP, tmax_aw)
Simple feature collection with 105 features and 2 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -102.0517 ymin: 36.99302 xmax: -94.58841 ymax: 40.00316
Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
First 10 features:
   COUNTYFP  tmax_aw                       geometry
1       175 34.46388 MULTIPOLYGON (((-101.0681 3...
2       027 34.53894 MULTIPOLYGON (((-97.3707 39...
3       171 33.56887 MULTIPOLYGON (((-101.1284 3...
4       047 32.26198 MULTIPOLYGON (((-99.56988 3...
5       147 32.62552 MULTIPOLYGON (((-99.62821 3...
6       149 35.67416 MULTIPOLYGON (((-96.72774 3...
7       055 33.96688 MULTIPOLYGON (((-101.103 37...
8       167 33.35979 MULTIPOLYGON (((-99.04234 3...
9       135 32.86975 MULTIPOLYGON (((-100.2477 3...
10      093 33.41405 MULTIPOLYGON (((-101.5419 3... extract from multi-layer SpatRaster

Extracting values from a multi-layer SpatRaster object works in exactly the same manner as a single-layer SpatRaster object.

tmax_by_county_stack <-
    include_cols = "COUNTYFP",
    progress = FALSE

#--- take a look at the first 6 lines of the first element---#
tmax_by_county_stack[[1]] %>% head()
  COUNTYFP PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil
1      175                               34.222
2      175                               34.181
3      175                               34.180
4      175                               34.210
5      175                               34.190
6      175                               34.292
  PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180702_bil coverage_fraction
1                               30.489         0.1074141
2                               30.414         0.8066747
3                               30.314         0.8066615
4                               30.238         0.8066448
5                               30.163         0.8061629
6                               30.207         0.8054324

As you can see above, exactextractr::exact_extract() appends additional columns for additional layers.

#--- combine them ---#
tmax_all_combined <- bind_rows(tmax_by_county_stack)

#--- take a look ---#
  COUNTYFP PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil
1      175                               34.222
2      175                               34.181
3      175                               34.180
4      175                               34.210
5      175                               34.190
6      175                               34.292
  PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180702_bil coverage_fraction
1                               30.489         0.1074141
2                               30.414         0.8066747
3                               30.314         0.8066615
4                               30.238         0.8066448
5                               30.163         0.8061629
6                               30.207         0.8054324

In order to find the coverage-weighted tmax by date, you can first pivot it to a long format using tidyr::pivot_longer().

#--- pivot to a longer format ---#
  tmax_long <-
      -c(COUNTYFP, coverage_fraction),
      names_to = "date",
      values_to = "tmax"
# A tibble: 30,298 × 4
   COUNTYFP coverage_fraction date                                  tmax
   <chr>                <dbl> <chr>                                <dbl>
 1 175                  0.107 PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil  34.2
 2 175                  0.107 PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180702_bil  30.5
 3 175                  0.807 PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil  34.2
 4 175                  0.807 PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180702_bil  30.4
 5 175                  0.807 PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil  34.2
 6 175                  0.807 PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180702_bil  30.3
 7 175                  0.807 PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil  34.2
 8 175                  0.807 PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180702_bil  30.2
 9 175                  0.806 PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil  34.2
10 175                  0.806 PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180702_bil  30.2
# ℹ 30,288 more rows

And then find coverage-weighted tmax by date:

  tmax_long %>%
    dplyr::group_by(COUNTYFP, date) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(tmax = sum(tmax * coverage_fraction) / sum(coverage_fraction))
# A tibble: 210 × 3
# Groups:   COUNTYFP [105]
   COUNTYFP date                                  tmax
   <chr>    <chr>                                <dbl>
 1 001      PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil  34.3
 2 001      PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180702_bil  29.4
 3 003      PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil  34.9
 4 003      PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180702_bil  29.4
 5 005      PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil  35.3
 6 005      PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180702_bil  28.9
 7 007      PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil  34.1
 8 007      PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180702_bil  29.7
 9 009      PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil  32.9
10 009      PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180702_bil  29.8
# ℹ 200 more rows

For data.table users, this does the same:

  tmax_all_combined %>%
    data.table() %>%
    melt(id.var = c("COUNTYFP", "coverage_fraction")) %>%
    .[, .(tmax = sum(value * coverage_fraction) / sum(coverage_fraction)), by = .(COUNTYFP, variable)]
     COUNTYFP                             variable     tmax
       <char>                               <fctr>    <num>
  1:      175 PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil 34.46388
  2:      027 PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil 34.53894
  3:      171 PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil 33.56887
  4:      047 PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil 32.26198
  5:      147 PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil 32.62552
206:      169 PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180702_bil 30.54567
207:      073 PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180702_bil 29.64180
208:      071 PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180702_bil 30.13041
209:      001 PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180702_bil 29.43459
210:      197 PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180702_bil 29.97933 extract and summarize in one step

Instead of returning the value from all the intersecting cells, exactextractr::exact_extract() can summarize the extracted values by polygon and then return the summarized numbers. This is much like how terra::extract() with FUN option works. There are multiple default options you can choose from. All you need to do is to add the desired summary function name as the third argument of exactextractr::exact_extract(). For example, the following will get us the mean of the extracted values weighted by coverage_fraction.

extacted_mean <- 
    append_cols = "COUNTYFP", 
    progress = FALSE


Notice that you use append_cols instead of include_cols when you summarize within exactextractr::exact_extract().

mean_tmax_long <- 
  extacted_mean %>% 
  #--- wide to long ---#
  pivot_longer(-COUNTYFP, names_to = "date", values_to = "tmax") %>%
  #--- recover date ---#
  dplyr::mutate(date = gsub("mean.date", "", date) %>% lubridate::ymd())
# A tibble: 210 × 3
   COUNTYFP date    tmax
   <chr>    <date> <dbl>
 1 175      NA      34.5
 2 175      NA      30.5
 3 027      NA      34.5
 4 027      NA      29.8
 5 171      NA      33.6
 6 171      NA      31.2
 7 047      NA      32.3
 8 047      NA      29.5
 9 147      NA      32.6
10 147      NA      28.7
# ℹ 200 more rows

There are other summary function options that may be of interest, such as “max”, “min.” You can see all the default options at the package website.

5.3 Extraction speed comparison

Here we compare the extraction speed of raster::extract(), terra::extract(), and exactextractr::exact_extract(). A more comprehensive discussion on the speed of raster extraction can be found in Chapter 9.

5.3.1 Data preparation

We first create two new R objects here:

  • SpatVectore version of KS_wells, which is currently an sf object.
  • SpatVectore version of KS_county_sf, which is currently an sf object.
KS_wells_sv <- terra::vect(KS_wells)
KS_county_sv <- terra::vect(KS_county_sf)

We also create a version of prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr that is disaggregated by a factor of 10 to create a much larger raster data.

#--- disaggregate ---#
  prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr_10 <- terra::disagg(prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr, fact = 10)
class       : SpatRaster 
dimensions  : 730, 1790, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
resolution  : 0.004166667, 0.004166667  (x, y)
extent      : -102.0625, -94.60417, 36.97917, 40.02083  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : lon/lat NAD83 
source(s)   : memory
varname     : PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil 
name        : PRISM_tmax_stable_4kmD2_20180701_bil 
min value   :                               27.711 
max value   :                               37.656 

The disaggregated PRISM data now has 10 times more rows and columns.

#--- original ---#
[1]  73 179   1
#--- disaggregated ---#
[1]  730 1790    1

5.3.2 Points: terra::extract()

Extraction speed of terra::extract() depends on the class of the raster and vector (points) objects3. Whether the points data is sf or SpatVector makes a difference as you can see below with SpatVector being faster.

3 Until recently, raster::extract() was much much slower compared to terra::extract(). However, recent updates to the package made significant improvement in extraction speed and raster::extract() is comparable to terra::extract() in speed.

#--- SpatRaster and sf ---#
temp <- terra::extract(prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr_10, KS_wells)
0.221 sec elapsed
#--- SpatRaster and SpatVector ---#
temp <- terra::extract(prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr_10, KS_wells_sv)
0.024 sec elapsed

Although the time difference may seem small, it can accumulate significantly when extracting data from numerous raster layers to the same set of points, resulting in a notable increase in overall processing time. In such cases, it is recommended to first convert the points from sf to SpatVector before performing the extractions.

5.3.3 Polygons: exactextractr::exact_extract() and terra::extract()

terra::extract() is faster than exactextractr::exact_extract() for a relatively small raster data. Let’s use prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr and time them to see the difference.

#--- terra::extract ---#
terra_extract_temp <-
0.031 sec elapsed
#--- exact_extract ---#
exact_extract_temp <-
    progress = FALSE
0.069 sec elapsed

As you can see, terra::extract() is faster than exactextractr::exact_extract(). However, once the raster data becomes larger (or spatially finer), then exact_extact() starts to shine.

Now, let’s compare terra::extrct() and exact_extrct() using the disaggregated data.

#--- terra extract ---#
terra_extract_temp <-
1.864 sec elapsed
#--- exact extract ---#
exact_extract_temp <-
    progress = FALSE
0.132 sec elapsed

As you can see, exactextractr::exact_extract() is considerably faster. The difference in time becomes even more pronounced as the size of the raster data becomes larger and the number of polygons are greater. The time difference of several seconds seem nothing, but imagine processing Cropland Data Layer (CDL) files for the entire US over 10 years, then you would appreciate the speed of exactextractr::exact_extract(). See Chapter 9 for more comprehensive treatment of raster value extraction speed.

5.3.4 Single-layer vs multi-layer

Pretend that you have five dates of PRISM tmax data (here we repeat the same file five times) and would like to extract values from all of them. Extracting values from a multi-layer raster objects (RasterStack for raster package) takes less time than extracting values from the individual layers one at a time. This can be observed below.


#--- extract from 5 layers one at a time ---#
temp <- terra::extract(prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr_10, KS_county_sv)
temp <- terra::extract(prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr_10, KS_county_sv)
temp <- terra::extract(prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr_10, KS_county_sv)
temp <- terra::extract(prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr_10, KS_county_sv)
temp <- terra::extract(prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr_10, KS_county_sv)
10.505 sec elapsed
#--- extract from a 5-layer SpatRaster ---#
prism_tmax_ml_5 <-
temp <- terra::extract(prism_tmax_ml_5, KS_county_sv)
3.094 sec elapsed


#--- extract from 5 layers one at a time ---#
temp <- exact_extract(prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr_10, KS_county_sf, progress = FALSE)
temp <- exact_extract(prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr_10, KS_county_sf, progress = FALSE)
temp <- exact_extract(prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr_10, KS_county_sf, progress = FALSE)
temp <- exact_extract(prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr_10, KS_county_sf, progress = FALSE)
temp <- exact_extract(prism_tmax_0701_KS_sr_10, KS_county_sf, progress = FALSE)
0.691 sec elapsed
#--- extract from from a 5-layer SpatRaster ---#
prism_tmax_stack_5 <-

#--- set layer names ---#
# exact_extract() does not like multi-layer raster with the same layer name
set.names(prism_tmax_stack_5, paste0("layer_", 1:5))

temp <-
    progress = FALSE
0.384 sec elapsed

The reduction in computation time for both methods makes sense. Since both layers have exactly the same geographic extent and resolution, finding the polygons-cells correspondence is done once and then it can be used repeatedly across the layers for the multi-layer SparRaster and RasterStack. This clearly suggests that when you are processing many layers of the same spatial resolution and extent, you should first stack them and then extract values at the same time instead of processing them one by one as long as your memory allows you to do so.

5.4 Exercises


Before working on exercises, please run the following codes by hitting the Run Code button.

Tips for working with an webr session
  • Hit the Run Code button to run all the codes in the code area.
  • To run only parts of the code, highlight the section you want to execute with your cursor and then press Cmd + Return (Mac) or Ctrl + Enter (Windows).
  • All the code blocks are interconnected and R objects defined in one R code block is available in another R code block.

5.4.1 Exercise 1: Extraction to points

In this exercise, we will use corn yield points data as sf and NDRE value as a SpatRaster (Figure 5.7 shows the map of the two spatial objects). Please run the following codes first to make them avaialable.

NDRE <- terra::rast(NDRE)

ggplot() +
  geom_spatraster(data = NDRE) +
  geom_sf(data = corn_yield, size = 0.03) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(name = "NDRE")
Figure 5.7: Map of corn yield data points and NDRE values

Extract NDRE values to corn yield data points using terra::extract() and find the correlation between corn yield (yield) and NDRE using cor().

ndre_extracted <- terra::extract(NDRE, corn_yield)
corn_yield$ndre <- ndre_extracted$NDRE
cor(corn_yield$yield, corn_yield$ndre)

5.4.2 Exercise 2: Extraction to polygons

In this exercise, we will use Nebraska’s county borders as an sf object and the aggregated version of the PRISM precipitation data from August 1st, 2012 as a SpatRaster (see Figure 5.8 for their maps). Run the following codes first.

prism_us <- terra::rast(prism_us)

ggplot() +
  geom_spatraster(data = prism_us) +
  geom_sf(data = ne_counties, color = "red", fill = NA) +
  scale_fill_whitebox_c(name = "Precipitation", na.value = "transparent", palette = "muted") +
Figure 5.8: PRISM precipitation data and Nebrask’s county borders

Extract precipitation values from prism_us to ne_counties and find the average precipitation by county. You can use either terra::extract() or exactextractr::exact_extract(). Then, merge the precipitation data with ne_counties.

#--- terra ---#
prcp_data <- terra::extract(prism_us, ne_counties, fun = "mean")
ne_counties$prcp <- prcp_data$PRISM_ppt_stable_4kmD2_20120801_bil

#--- exactextractr ---#
prcp_data <-
    append_cols = "name"

left_join(ne_counties, prcp_data, by = "name")