12 S-, X-, T-, and R-learner
In this section, we look at the S-, X-, T-, and R-learner, which are method that estimate heterogeneous treatment effects when the treatment is binary. While X-learner and T-learner cannot be extended to continuous treatment cases, S-learner and R-learner can be.
12.1 Motivation
In Chapter 11, the basic idea of double machine learning (DML) methods was introduced when the treatment effect is homogeneous. We now turn our focus to the task of estimating heterogeneous treatment effects: the impact of a treatment varies based on observed attributes of the subjects. Heterogeneous treatment effect is also referred to as conditional average treatment effect (CATE).
Conditional on observed attributes.
Understanding how treatment effects vary can be highly valuable in many circumstances.
Example 1: If we come to know a particular drug is effective on elderly people but detrimental to kids, then doctors can make a smart decision of prescribing the drug to elderly people, but not to kids.
In this example, the heterogeneity driver is age.
Example 2: If we come to know that fertilizer is more effective in increasing corn yield in soil type A than B, then farmers can apply more fertilizer on the parts of the field where soil type is A but less on where soil type is B.
In this example, the heterogeneity driver is soil type.
As you can see in these examples, knowledge on the heterogeneity of the treatment effect and its drivers can help decision makers smart-target treatments and policies.
12.2 Modeling Framework
The model of interest in general form is as follows:
\[ \begin{aligned} Y_i & = \theta(X_i)\cdot T_i + g(X_i) + \varepsilon_i \\ T_i & = f(X_i) + \eta_i \end{aligned} \tag{12.1}\]
- \(Y\): dependent variable
- \(T\): treatment variable
- \(X\): features
Here are the assumptions:
- \(E[\varepsilon|T, X] = 0\)
- \(E[\eta|X] = 0\)
- \(E[\eta\cdot\varepsilon|T, X] = 0\)
For the notational convenicence, let \(\mu_1(X)\) and \(\mu_0(X)\) denote the expected value of the potential conditional outcomes:
\[ \begin{align} \mu_1(X) & = E[Y|T=1, X] = \theta(X) + g(X)\\ \mu_0(X) & = E[Y|T=0, X] = g(X) \end{align} \]
12.3 S-, T-, and X-Learner
In this section, S-, T-, and X-Learner are introduced, accompanied by a simple R code demonstrations. For demonstrations, a synthetic dataset that follows the DGP below is used.
Here is the dataset according to the DGP.
<- 1000
data data.table(
x1 = runif(N),
x2 = runif(N),
x3 = runif(N),
mu = rnorm(N)
) T := runif(N) < ((0.5+x1)/2)] %>%
.[, Y := (x1 + x2^2) * T + sqrt(x3) + mu] %>%
.[, id := 1:.N]
.[, )
12.3.1 S-learner
S-learner estimates CATE by taking the following steps:
- Regress \(Y\) on \(T\) and \(X\) to estimate \(E[Y|T, X]\) using any appropriate ML regression methods and call it \(\hat{\mu}(T,X)\).
- Estimate \(\hat{\theta}(X)\) as \(\hat{\mu}(T=1,X)-\hat{\mu}(T=0,X)\)
In this approach, no special treatment is given to \(T\). It is just a covariate along with others (\(X\)). This approach is named S-learner by Künzel et al. (2019) because it involves estimating a single response function.
Here is a quick demonstration of how S-learner works (no cross-validation conducted in estimating \(E[Y|T, X]\) in this example).
# step 1
# RF used here, but any appropriate method is acceptable
rf_trained ranger(
~ T + x1 + x2 + x3,
Y data = data
# step 2
# Estimate treatment effect at X_0 = {x1 = 0.5, x2 = 0.5, x3 = 0.5}
#=== data for treated (1) and control (0) ===#
<- data.table(T = TRUE, x1 = 0.5, x2 = 0.5, x3 = 0.5)
eval_data_1 <- data.table(T = FALSE, x1 = 0.5, x2 = 0.5, x3 = 0.5)
#=== predicted value of Y conditional on Y and X ===#
<- predict(rf_trained, data = eval_data_1)$predictions
mu_hat_1 <- predict(rf_trained, data = eval_data_0)$predictions
#=== theta_hat(X) ===#
(<- mu_hat_1 - mu_hat_0
theta_hat )
[1] 1.132512
12.3.2 T-learner
- Regress \(Y\) on \(X\) using the treated observations to estimate \(\mu_1(X)\) using any appropriate ML regression methods.
- Regress \(Y\) on \(X\) using the control observations to estimate \(\mu_0(X)\) using any appropriate ML regression methods.
- Estimate \(\hat{\theta}(X)\) as \(\hat{\mu}_1(X)-\hat{\mu}_0(X)\)
This approach is named T-learner by Künzel et al. (2019) because it involves estimating two functions.
Here is a quick demonstration of how T-learner works (no cross-validation conducted in estimating \(E[Y|T=1, X]\) and \(E[Y|T=0, X]\) in this example).
# step 1
# RF used here, but any appropriate method is acceptable
rf_trained_1 ranger(
~ x1 + x2 + x3,
Y data = data[T == TRUE, ]
# step 2
# RF used here, but any appropriate method is acceptable
rf_trained_0 ranger(
~ x1 + x2 + x3,
Y data = data[T == FALSE, ]
# step 3
# Estimate treatment effect at X_0 = {x1 = 0.5, x2 = 0.5, x3 = 0.5}
#=== data for treated (1) and control (0) ===#
<- data.table(x1 = 0.5, x2 = 0.5, x3 = 0.5)
#=== predicted value of Y conditional on Y and X ===#
<- predict(rf_trained_1, data = eval_data)$predictions
mu_hat_1 <- predict(rf_trained_0, data = eval_data)$predictions
#=== theta_hat(X) ===#
(<- mu_hat_1 - mu_hat_0
theta_hat )
[1] 1.185506
12.3.3 X-learner
- Estimate \(\mu_1(X)\) and \(\mu_0(X)\) using any appropriate ML regression methods. (Steps 1 and 2 of the T-learner)
- Impute individual treatment effect for the treated and control groups as follows
\[ \begin{align} \tilde{D}_i^1(X_i) = Y^1_i - \hat{\mu}_0(X_i)\\ \tilde{D}_i^0(X_i) = \hat{\mu}_1(X_i) - Y^0_i \end{align} \]
This is similar to cross-fitting we saw in Chapter 11, where the folds are the treated and control groups.
Regress \(\tilde{D}_i^1(X_i)\) on \(X\) using the observations in the treated group and denote the predicted value as \(\hat{\theta}_1(X)\)
Regress \(\tilde{D}_i^0(X_i)\) on \(X\) using the observations in the control group and denote the predicted value as \(\hat{\theta}_0(X)\)
- Calculate \(\hat{\theta}(X)\) as their weighted average
\[ \begin{align} \hat{\theta}(X) = h(X)\cdot\hat{\theta}_0(X) + [1-h(X)]\cdot\hat{\theta}_1(X) \end{align} \tag{12.2}\]
Any value of \(h(X)\) is acceptable. One option of \(h(X)\) may be the estimated propensity score \(E[W|X]\).
Here is a quick demonstration of how X-learner works (no cross-validation conducted in estimating \(E[Y|T=1, X]\) and \(E[Y|T=0, X]\) in this example).
# Step 1
# RF used here, but any appropriate method is acceptable
<- data[T == TRUE, ]
rf_trained_1 ranger(
~ x1 + x2 + x3,
Y data = treated_data
# RF used here, but any appropriate method is acceptable
<- data[T == FALSE, ]
rf_trained_0 ranger(
~ x1 + x2 + x3,
Y data = control_data
# step 2 (imputed individual treatment effect)
#=== treated samples ===#
:= predict(rf_trained_0, data = treated_data)$predictions]
treated_data[, mu_hat_0 := Y - mu_hat_0]
treated_data[, D_tilde_1
#=== control samples ===#
:= predict(rf_trained_1, data = control_data)$predictions]
control_data[, mu_hat_1 := mu_hat_1 - Y]
control_data[, D_tilde_0
# step 3 (regress D on X)
#=== treated ===#
rf_trained_D1 ranger(
~ x1 + x2 + x3,
D_tilde_1 data = treated_data
#=== control ===#
rf_trained_D0 ranger(
~ x1 + x2 + x3,
D_tilde_0 data = control_data
# step 4
# Estimate treatment effect at X_0 = {x1 = 0.5, x2 = 0.5, x3 = 0.5}
<- data.table(x1 = 0.5, x2 = 0.5, x3 = 0.5)
#=== predicted value of Y conditional on Y and X ===#
<- predict(rf_trained_D1, data = eval_data)$predictions
theta_hat_1 <- predict(rf_trained_D0, data = eval_data)$predictions
#=== regress T on X ===#
rf_trained_T ranger(
~ x1 + x2 + x3,
T data = data,
probability = TRUE
#=== propensity score estimate ===#
<- predict(rf_trained_T, data = eval_data)$predictions[, 2]
#=== weighted average of theta_hat_1 and theta_hat_0 with propensity score ===#
(<- p_score * theta_hat_0 + (1-p_score) * theta_hat_1
theta_hat )
[1] 0.9973382
12.4 R-learner
12.4.1 Theoretical background
Under the assumptions,
\[ \begin{aligned} E[Y|X] = \theta(X)\cdot f(X) + g(X) \end{aligned} \tag{12.3}\]
\(f(X) = E[T|X]\)
Let, \(l(X)\) denote \(E[Y|X]\). Taking the difference of Equation 12.1 and Equation 12.3 on both sides,
\[ \begin{aligned} Y_i \textcolor{red}{-l(X_i)} & = \theta(X_i)\cdot T_i + g(X_i) + \varepsilon_i \textcolor{red}{-[\theta(X_i)\cdot f(X_i) + g(X_i)]} \\ \Rightarrow Y_i - l(X_i) & = \theta(X_i)\cdot (T_i -f(X_i)) + \varepsilon_i \\ \end{aligned} \]
This is akin to residualization/orthogonalization seen in the DML approach in Chapter 11.
So, the problem of identifying \(\theta(X)\) reduces to estimating the following model:
\[ \begin{aligned} Y_i - l(X_i) & = \theta(X_i)\cdot (T_i -f(X_i)) + \varepsilon_i \end{aligned} \]
Since \(E[(T_i -f(X_i))\cdot\varepsilon_i|X] = E[\eta_i\cdot\varepsilon_i|X] = 0\) by assumption, we can regress \(Y_i - l(X_i)\) on \(X_i\) and \(T_i -f(X_i)\) to estimate \(\theta(X)\). Specifically, we can minimize the following objective function:
\[ \begin{aligned} Min_{\theta(X)}\sum_{i=1}^N \large(\normalsize[Y_i - l(X_i)] - [\theta(X_i)\cdot (T_i -f(X_i))]\large)^2 \end{aligned} \tag{12.4}\]
12.4.2 Estimation steps
In practice, we of course do not observe \(l(X)\) and \(f(X)\). So, we first need to estimate them using the data at hand and then subtract them from \(Y_i\) and \(T_i\), respectively. You can use any suitable statistical methods to estimate \(l(X)\) and \(f(X)\). Some machine learning methods allow you to estimate them without assuming any functional form or structural assumptions. If you believe they are linear (in parameter) functions of \(X\), you could alternatively use lasso or other linear models. Nie and Wager (2021) proposes that the estimation of \(l(X)\) and \(f(X)\) is done by cross-fitting (see Section 11.1.4) to avoid over-fitting bias. Let \(I_{-i}\) denote all the observations that belong to the folds that \(i\) does not belong to. Further, let \(\hat{l}(X_i)^{I_{-i}}\) and \(\hat{f}(X_i)^{I_{-i}}\) denote \(l(X_i)\) and \(f(X_i)\) estimated using \(I_{-i}\).
Just like the DML approach discussed in Chapter 11, both \(Y\) and \(T\) are orthogonalized.
Then the quality of fit (explaining the heterogeneity in the impact of treatment) can be expressed as follows, which is the empirical version of Equation 12.4:
\[ \begin{aligned} \sum_{i=1}^N [Y_i - \hat{l}(X_i)^{I_{-i}} - \theta(X)\cdot (T_i - \hat{f}(X_i)^{I_{-i}})]^2 \end{aligned} \]
This is called R-score, and it can be used for causal model selection, which will be covered later.
Let \(\tilde{Y}_i\) and \(\tilde{T}_i\) denote \(Y_i - \hat{l}(X_i)^{I_{-i}}\) and \(T_i - \hat{f}(X_i)^{I_{-i}}\), respectively. The final stage of the R-learner is to estimate \(\theta(X)\) by minimizing the R-score plus the regularization term (if desirable).
\[ \begin{aligned} \hat{\theta}(X) = argmin_{\theta(X)}\;\;\sum_{i=1}^N [\tilde{Y}_i - \theta(X)\cdot\tilde{T}_i]^2 + \Lambda(\theta(X)) \end{aligned} \tag{12.5}\]
where \(\Lambda(\theta(X))\) is the penalty on the complexity of \(\theta(X)\). For example, if you choose to use lasso, then \(\Lambda(\theta(X))\) is the L1 norm. You have lots of freedom as to what model you use in the final stage. The econml
package offers several off-the-shelf choices of R-learner (DML) approaches that differ in the model used at the final stage, including causal forest, lasso, etc.
12.4.3 R-learner by hand
This section goes through R codes to implement the estimation steps provided above to further our understanding of how R-learner works using the same synthetic dataset as the one used in Section 12.3.
We first cross-fit \(E[Y|X]\) and \(E[T|X]\) using random forest for both cases. We will use repeated (3 times) 5-fold cross-fitting. Resampling the data,
(<- rsample::vfold_cv(data, v = 5, repeats = 3)
data_folds )
# 5-fold cross-validation repeated 3 times
# A tibble: 15 × 3
splits id id2
<list> <chr> <chr>
1 <split [800/200]> Repeat1 Fold1
2 <split [800/200]> Repeat1 Fold2
3 <split [800/200]> Repeat1 Fold3
4 <split [800/200]> Repeat1 Fold4
5 <split [800/200]> Repeat1 Fold5
6 <split [800/200]> Repeat2 Fold1
7 <split [800/200]> Repeat2 Fold2
8 <split [800/200]> Repeat2 Fold3
9 <split [800/200]> Repeat2 Fold4
10 <split [800/200]> Repeat2 Fold5
11 <split [800/200]> Repeat3 Fold1
12 <split [800/200]> Repeat3 Fold2
13 <split [800/200]> Repeat3 Fold3
14 <split [800/200]> Repeat3 Fold4
15 <split [800/200]> Repeat3 Fold5
The following function takes a row number (n
) and cross-fits \(E[Y|X]\) and \(E[T|X]\) using the training and test data stored in the n
th row of data_folds
<- function(n, data_folds)
{<- analysis(data_folds[n, ]$splits[[1]])
training_data <- assessment(data_folds[n, ]$splits[[1]])
# E[Y|X]
#=== train ===#
rf_trained_y ranger(
~ x1 + x2 + x3,
Y data = training_data
#=== fit ===#
:= predict(rf_trained_y, data = eval_data)$predictions]
eval_data[, y_hat
# E[T|X]
rf_trained_t ranger(
~ x1 + x2 + x3,
T data = training_data,
probability = TRUE
:= predict(rf_trained_t, data = eval_data)$predictions[, 2]]
eval_data[, t_hat
return(eval_data[, .(id, y_hat, t_hat)])
Here is what the output of the function for the first split looks like.
cross_fit(1, data_folds)
id y_hat t_hat
1: 8 1.12894746 0.3900865
2: 10 1.20619521 0.8137849
3: 16 2.11055584 0.6956071
4: 19 1.66612748 0.7430183
5: 24 0.97711495 0.2783762
196: 976 1.24745823 0.3559905
197: 986 1.90226459 0.7848286
198: 988 0.09856452 0.3313690
199: 994 1.15828871 0.3815524
200: 999 1.23109488 0.4655611
Repeating this for all the splits,
cross_fitted_data_rp lapply(
function(x) cross_fit(x, data_folds)
) rbindlist()
id y_hat t_hat
1: 8 1.1265820 0.3838746
2: 10 1.2710531 0.7914683
3: 16 2.0934446 0.6716373
4: 19 1.5689207 0.7728349
5: 24 0.9738104 0.2713413
2996: 984 1.4447333 0.6111246
2997: 988 0.2112768 0.3394246
2998: 989 1.2142513 0.5499603
2999: 994 1.0262291 0.3408294
3000: 996 0.9049447 0.5382365
We finally take the mean of the cross-fits by id
as each id
has tree estimates.
cross_fitted_data_rp[, .(t_hat = mean(t_hat),
y_hat = mean(y_hat)
by = id]
), )
id t_hat y_hat
1: 8 0.4532550 1.1761568
2: 10 0.7740161 1.1470253
3: 16 0.5242056 1.9554895
4: 19 0.6223349 1.6357163
5: 24 0.3034603 1.0096122
996: 980 0.4608352 1.5986389
997: 981 0.1200376 0.8747466
998: 982 0.6291434 1.0229563
999: 996 0.5064177 0.8796906
1000: 1000 0.3033786 1.3630618
We then merge the data to the original data, and define \(\tilde{Y}\) and \(\tilde{T}\).
data_2nd on = "id"] %>%
cross_fitted_data[data, `:=`(
.[, y_tilde = Y - y_hat,
t_tilde = T - t_hat
.[, .(y_tilde, t_tilde, x1, x2, x3)] )
y_tilde t_tilde x1 x2 x3
1: 0.02185133 -0.5942087 0.260608266 0.06164198 0.4589749
2: -1.03373018 -0.5714296 0.766984113 0.54764941 0.2009673
3: 1.60365721 0.4938529 0.826228121 0.87144558 0.9021309
4: 1.32224214 0.5060730 0.640185426 0.60915635 0.9121869
5: 0.29076658 0.5654463 0.513102608 0.98349865 0.2889536
996: -1.92603402 -0.5064177 0.503932977 0.98448894 0.4080396
997: -0.94039653 -0.3125415 0.004402003 0.08928705 0.7901242
998: 0.11977427 0.5844593 0.543469334 0.67529131 0.8898840
999: 1.29398249 -0.4388722 0.927181725 0.58389265 0.4166628
1000: -0.69038873 -0.3033786 0.037774180 0.66973547 0.8149703
The first order condition of Equation 12.5 without \(\Lambda(\theta(X))\) is
\[ \begin{aligned} \sum_{i=1}^N (\tilde{Y}_i - \theta(X)\cdot\tilde{T}_i)\cdot \tilde{T}_i = 0 \end{aligned} \]
This can be rewritten as
\[ \begin{aligned} \sum_{i=1}^N \tilde{T}_i^2(\frac{\tilde{Y}_i}{\tilde{T}_i} - \theta(X)) = 0 \end{aligned} \]
So, this problem can be considered the problem of estimating \(\theta(X)\) when the dependent variable is \(\frac{\tilde{Y}_i}{\tilde{T}_i}\) with individual weights of \(\tilde{T}_i^2\).
data_2nd[, weight = t_tilde^2,
y_to_t = y_tilde / t_tilde
Let’s use xgboost()
for a non-parametric estimation of \(\theta(X)\).
#=== set up the data with weights ===#
data_2nd_xgb xgb.DMatrix(
data = data_2nd[, .(x1, x2, x3)] %>% as.matrix(),
label = data_2nd[, y_to_t],
weight = data_2nd[, weight]
#=== train ===#
xgb_trained_2nd xgboost(
data = data_2nd_xgb,
nrounds = 200,
objective = "reg:squarederror"
You can now predict \(\theta(X)\) at particular values of \(X\). Let’s estimate \(\theta(X)\) at \(X_0 = \{x_1 = 0.5, x_2 = 0.5, x_3 = 0.5\}\).
eval_data data.table(x1 = 0.5, x2 = 0.5, x3 = 0.5) %>%
as.matrix() %>%
xgb.DMatrix(data = .)
(<- predict(xgb_trained_2nd, eval_data)
theta_hat )
[1] 2.164435
You could alternatively estimate \(\theta(X)\) parametrically using OLS. Suppose we somehow know that \(\theta(X)\) takes the following form \(\beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2^2 + \beta_3 x_3\). Then, the second stage estimation would be regressing \(\tilde{Y}\) on \(x_1\times T\), \(x_2^2\times T\), and \(x_2\times T\).
#=== train ===#
<- lm(y_tilde ~ I(x1*t_tilde) + I(x2^2*t_tilde) + I(x3*t_tilde), data = data_2nd)
#=== summary ===#
lm(formula = y_tilde ~ I(x1 * t_tilde) + I(x2^2 * t_tilde) +
I(x3 * t_tilde), data = data_2nd)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-3.3354 -0.7314 0.0390 0.6332 3.3914
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -0.01052 0.03239 -0.325 0.745
I(x1 * t_tilde) 0.80643 0.18888 4.269 2.15e-05 ***
I(x2^2 * t_tilde) 1.10509 0.19827 5.574 3.21e-08 ***
I(x3 * t_tilde) 0.28246 0.18708 1.510 0.131
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 1.022 on 996 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.2038, Adjusted R-squared: 0.2015
F-statistic: 85.01 on 3 and 996 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
The results look pretty good mostly because we are cheating and using the correct functional form. Of course, in practice, you would not know the correct functional form of \(\theta(X)\). Finally, note that you should not use the codes here since they are just for demonstration to enhance our understanding of how R-learner works.
12.5 Comparing the learners
In this section, we compare the performance of the learners under two DGPs, which fall under the following general model:
\[ \begin{aligned} Y_i & =\theta(X_i)\cdot T + \alpha\cdot g(X_i) + \mu_i \\ T_i & = Bernouli(f(X_i)) \end{aligned} \]
where \(\alpha\) is a constant that changes the share of the nuisance function \(g(X)\) in \(Y\)’s variation (larger \(\alpha\) in magnitude, larger share of \(g(X)\)).
Performance comparisons under more DGPs can be found in Nie and Wager (2021). MC simulations here focus more on the role of the magnitude of the nuisance part in \(Y\), which Nie and Wager (2021) does not look at.
We first work on the following DGP (named DGP A).
DGP A with \(\alpha =1\) is almost the same as Set-up A of Nie and Wager (2021) except that they use \(Y_i =\theta(X_i)\cdot (T-0.5) + \alpha\cdot g(X_i) + \mu_i\), so that \(-0.5*\theta(X)\) is actually a part of the nuisance for \(Y\).
The following code generate data according to DGP A.
<- function(N, alpha){
gen_data_A <-
data data.table(
x1 = runif(N),
x2 = runif(N),
x3 = runif(N),
x4 = runif(N),
x5 = runif(N),
u = rnorm(N)
) `:=`(
.[, g_x = alpha * (sin(pi * x1*x2) + 2*(x3-0.5)^2 + x4 + 0.5*x5),
f_x = pmax(0.1, pmin(sin(pi * x1*x2), 0.9)),
theta_x = (x1+x2)/2
)] := as.numeric(runif(N) < f_x)] %>%
.[, t := theta_x * t + g_x + u] %>%
.[, y := 1:.N]
.[, id
We use the rlearner
package (Nie, Schuler, and Wager 2022) to implement S-, T-, X-, and R-learner. In particular, we will use the *boost()
functions (e.g., rboost()
for R-learner), which use xgboost()
for all the estimation tasks. Parameter tuning is done internally (see here for the hyper parameter search space). S-learner implemented by sboost()
is different from the S-learner described above in that it include the interactions of the treatment variable and feature variables: that is, it regresses \(Y\) on \(T\), \(X\), and \(T*X\).
The following code implements S-, T-, X-, and R-learner for a single iteration and calculate MSE of estimating \(\theta(X)\) on the test data.
The rlearner
package also offers *lasso()
and *kern()
series. The package is not designed to be flexible as there are fixed combinations of learners and you cannot specify estimation methods yourself.
<- 1000
<- function(i, gen_data, alpha) {
# Prepare data
<- gen_data_A(N, alpha)
train_data <- gen_data_A(N, alpha)
test_data <- test_data[, .(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)] %>% as.matrix()
# cor(train_data[, .(theta_x, g_x)])
# Train and predict
<- list(rboost, sboost, xboost, tboost)
results lapply(
learner_ls,function(learner) {
trained_learner learner(
%>% as.matrix(),
train_data[, .(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)] $t,
theta_data data.table(
theta_true = test_data$theta_x,
theta_hat = predict(trained_learner, test_X)
) rbindlist(idcol = "learner") %>%
:= fcase(
.[, learner == 1, "R",
learner == 2, "S",
learner == 3, "X",
learner == 4, "T"
Repeating experiments 100 times for \(\alpha = 1\),
<- 1
alpha <-
mc_results_1 lapply(
function(i) get_mse(i, gen_data_A, alpha)
) rbindlist(idcol = "sim")
Figure 12.1 shows the histogram of MSE by learner.
mse_data_1 %>%
mc_results_1 mse = mean((theta_true - theta_hat)^2)), by = .(learner, sim)] %>%
.[, .(:= "alpha = 1"] %>%
.[, type := factor(learner, levels = c("S", "T", "X", "R"))]
.[, learner
ggplot(data = mse_data_1) +
geom_histogram(aes(x = mse)) +
facet_grid(learner ~ .) +
As you can see, R-learner performs the best, followed closely by X-learner, then by S-learner, and T-learner.
Now, we change the value of \(\alpha\) to 10 from 1 to make the nuisance part have a much larger share in \(Y\)’s variation.
<- 10
alpha <-
mc_results lapply(
function(i) get_mse(i, gen_data_A, alpha)
) rbindlist(idcol = "sim")
Figure 12.2 shows the histogram of MSE by learner for \(\alpha=1\) and \(\alpha=10\). All the methods are negatively affected by the increase in the influence of the nuisance function, \(g(X)\). However, some learners are affected more than others. R-learner is. much less affected by the change than the other methods, and R-learner is clearly the best performing learner at \(\alpha = 10\). All the other learners performed considerably poorer compared to the case with \(\alpha =1\). This shows that R-learner shines particularly when the treatment effect is only the small portion of the total variation in \(Y\). This is a very important property because it is often the case for many scientific fields. For example, consider estimating the impact of a vocational training program on income. Such a program is unlikely to drastically change participants income level. Other factors that have nothing to do with the program (nuisance part) are likely to have much bigger role in determining income.
mse_data_10 %>%
mc_results_10 mse = mean((theta_true - theta_hat)^2)), by = .(learner, sim)] %>%
.[, .(:= "alpha = 10"]
.[, type
mse_data_all rbind(mse_data_1, mse_data_10) %>%
:= factor(learner, levels = c("S", "T", "X", "R"))]
.[, learner
ggplot(data = mse_data_all) +
aes(x = mse, fill = type),
position = "identity",
alpha = 0.5,
bins = 75
) facet_grid(learner ~ .) +
scale_fill_discrete(name = "") +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
Figure 12.3 plots the true (y-axis) and estimated (x-axis) treatment effect by learner for a single iteration at \(\alpha = 10\), which gives us insights into the decomposition of MSE (variance and bias).
ggplot(data = mc_results_10[sim == 1, ]) +
geom_point(aes(y = theta_true, x = theta_hat)) +
geom_abline(slope = 1, color = "red") +
facet_grid(learner ~ .) +
theme_bw() +
xlab("Estimated Treatment Effect") +
ylab("True Treatment Effect")
According to the figure, all of them seem to suffer from positive bias. Here is the average of the true treatment effects less the estimated treatment effects by learner. So, indeed, they all suffer from bias. T-learner suffers from the most severe bias, and R-learner suffers from the smallest bias.
bias = mean(theta_true - theta_hat)), by = learner] mc_results_10[, .(
learner bias
1: R -0.1312763
2: S -0.5830240
3: X -0.2645536
4: T -0.7078119
T-learner has the highest variance of treatment effect estimates, followed by S-learner, X-learner, and then R-learner. Here is the average (over iterations) standard deviation of treatment effect estimates by learner.
sd = sd(theta_true - theta_hat)), by = .(learner, sim)] %>%
mc_results_10[, .(sd = mean(sd)), by = learner] .[, .(
learner sd
1: R 0.2839190
2: S 0.8823216
3: X 0.6298141
4: T 1.2539635
The problem with high variance in CATE estimation is that, the effect of treatment “looks” much more heterogeneous than it truly is. This leads to over-estimation of the benefit of targeted treatment (e.g., policy, medical treatment) assignment.
Let’s look at another DGP.
Here is the code to generate data according to DGP B.
<- function(N, alpha){
gen_data_B <-
data data.table(
x1 = rnorm(N),
x2 = rnorm(N),
x3 = rnorm(N),
x4 = rnorm(N),
x5 = rnorm(N),
u = rnorm(N)
) `:=`(
.[, g_x = alpha * (pmax(x1 + x2, x3) + pmax(x4 + x5, 0)),
e_x = 1/2,
theta_x = x1+log(1 + exp(x2))
)] := as.numeric(runif(N) < e_x)] %>%
.[, t := theta_x * t + g_x + u]
.[, y
Here is the code to run MC simulations for \(\alpha = 1\) and \(\alpha = 10\).
mc_results_1 future_lapply(
function(i) get_mse(i, gen_data_B, alpha = 1)
) rbindlist(idcol = "sim")
mc_results_10 future_lapply(
function(i) get_mse(i, gen_data_B, alpha = 10)
) rbindlist(idcol = "sim")
mse_data_1 %>%
mc_results_1 mse = mean((theta_true - theta_hat)^2)), by = .(learner, sim)] %>%
.[, .(:= "alpha = 1"]
.[, type
mse_data_10 %>%
mc_results_10 mse = mean((theta_true - theta_hat)^2)), by = .(learner, sim)] %>%
.[, .(:= "alpha = 10"]
.[, type
<- rbind(mse_data_1, mse_data_10) mse_data_all
Figure 12.4 presents the results. Compared to DGP A, S- and T-learner performs much better at \(\alpha = 1\) almost matching that of X- and R-learner. However, once the role of nuisance function is greater at \(\alpha = 10\), then the performance of S-, T-, and X-learner deteriorate substantially (especially T-learner).
ggplot(data = mse_data_all) +
aes(x = mse, fill = type),
position = "identity",
alpha = 0.5,
bins = 75
) facet_grid(learner ~ .) +
scale_fill_discrete(name = "") +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
Figure 12.5 presents the scatter plot of the true and estimated treatment effects by learner for a single iteration. None of them seem to be biased, but there is a clear difference in variance of CATE estimates.
ggplot(data = mc_results_10[sim == 1, ]) +
geom_point(aes(y = theta_true, x = theta_hat)) +
geom_abline(slope = 1, color = "red") +
facet_grid(learner ~ .) +
theme_bw() +
xlab("Estimated Treatment Effect") +
ylab("True Treatment Effect")
12.6 T-learner v.s. X-learner (Optional, and not that important)
Here, an advantage of X-learner over T-learner is demonstrated. This example also serves as an illustration of how these learners are implemented. Specifically, X-learner can be advantageous when the control-treatment assignments in the sample are unbalanced. For example, it is often the case that there are plenty of observations in the control group, while there are not many treated observations. For the purpose of illustration, consider a rather extreme case where there are only 10 observations in the treated group, while there are 300 observations in the control group. We use the following toy data generating process:
\[ \begin{align} y = \tau W + |x| + v \end{align} \]
where \(\tau = 1\). So, the treatment effect is not heterogeneous. For the purpose of illustrating the advantage of X-learner over T-learner, it is convenient if the underlying model is simpler.
<- 20
N_trt <- 300
N_ctrl <- N_trt + N_ctrl
data data.table(
W = c(rep(1,N_trt), rep(0, N_ctrl)),
type = c(rep("Treated", N_trt), rep("Control", N_ctrl)),
x = 2 * runif(N)-1,
v = rnorm(N) / 2
) := W + abs(x) + v] .[, y
ggplot(data = data) +
geom_point(aes(y = y, x = x, color = type)) +
Let’s first estimate \(\mu_1(X)\) and \(\mu_0(X)\) (Step 1). Since we have only \(20\) observations in the treated group, we will use a linear regression to avoid over-fitting (following the example in Künzel et al. (2019)).
<- lm(y ~ x, data = data[type == "Treated", ])
<- gam(y ~ s(x, k = 4), data = data[type == "Control", ]) mu_0_trained
Now that \(\mu_1(X)\) and \(\mu_0(X)\) are estimated, we can estimate \(\hat{\theta}(X)\) by T-learner.
<- data.table(x = seq(-1, 1, length = 100))
x_seq #=== T-learner ===#
tau_hat_data %>%
x_seq := predict(mu_1_trained, newdata = x_seq)] %>%
.[, mu_1_hat := predict(mu_0_trained, newdata = x_seq)] %>%
.[, mu_0_hat := mu_1_hat - mu_0_hat] .[, tau_hat_T
As you can see, T-learner is heavily biased. This is because of the unreliable estimation of \(\mu_1(X)\) due to lack of observations in the treated group.
ggplot(data = tau_hat_data) +
geom_line(aes(y = tau_hat_T, x = x)) +
Now, let’s move on to X-learner. We impute individual treatment effects (Step 2).
#=== mu (treated) ===#
<- predict(mu_0_trained, newdata = data[type == "Treated", ])
#=== mu (control) ===#
<- predict(mu_1_trained, newdata = data[type == "Control", ])
#=== assign the values ===#
== "Treated", mu_hat := mu_hat_1]
data[type == "Control", mu_hat := mu_hat_0]
#=== find individual TE ===#
:= ifelse(type == "Treated", y - mu_hat, mu_hat - y)] data[, D
We can now regress \(D\) on \(X\) (Step 3),
# tau (treated)
<- lm(D ~ x, data = data[type == "Treated", ])
#=== estimate tau_1 ===#
:= predict(tau_1_trained, newdata = tau_hat_data)]
tau_hat_data[, tau_hat_1
# tau (control)
<- gam(D ~ s(x, k = 4), data = data[type == "Control", ])
#=== estimate tau_1 ===#
:= predict(tau_0_trained, newdata = tau_hat_data)] tau_hat_data[, tau_hat_0
ggplot(data = tau_hat_data) +
geom_line(aes(y = tau_hat_1, x = x, color = "Treated")) +
geom_line(aes(y = tau_hat_0, x = x, color = "Control")) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("Treated" = "blue", "Control" = "red")) +
Let’s use propensity score as \(g(X)\) in Step 4.
w_gam_trained gam(
~ s(x, k = 4),
W data = data,
family = binomial(link = "probit")
Let’s predict \(E[W|X]\) at each value of \(X\) at which we are estiamting \(\tau\).
:= predict(w_gam_trained, newdata = tau_hat_data, type = "response")] tau_hat_data[, g_x
As you can see below, the mean value of \(g(x)\) is small because the treatment probability is very low (it is only \(20\) out of \(320\)).
mean(tau_hat_data[, g_x])
[1] 0.06451538
This number is basically \(20/320\). So, in this example, we could have just used the proportion of the treated observations. Notice that \(g(X)\) is multiplied to \(\hat{\theta}_0(X)\) in Equation 12.2. So, we are giving a lower weight to \(\hat{\theta}_0(X)\). This is because \(\hat{\theta}_0(X)\) is less reliable because \(\hat{\mu}_1(X)\) is less reliable due to the lack of samples in the treated group.
:= g_x * tau_hat_0 + (1-g_x) * tau_hat_1] tau_hat_data[, tau_hat_X
As you can see, X-learner outperforms T-learner in this particular instance at least in terms of point estimates of \(\tau(X)\).
ggplot(data = tau_hat_data) +
geom_line(aes(y = tau_hat_T, x = x, color = "T-learner")) +
geom_line(aes(y = tau_hat_X, x = x, color = "X-learner")) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 1, aes(color = "True Treatment Effect")) +
values = c(
"T-learner" = "red",
"X-learner" = "blue",
"True Treatment Effect" = "black"
),name = ""
) ylab("Treatment Effect") +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")