3 Cross-validation
3.1 Motivations
No model works the best all the time, and searching for the best modeling approach and specifications is an essential part of modeling applications.
For example, we may consider five approaches with varying modeling specifications for each of the approaches:
- Random Forest (RF)
- number of trees (1000, 2000)
- number of variables used in each tree (3, 5, 8)
- and many other hyper parameters
- penalty parameter (1, 2, 3, etc)
- number of knots
- penalty parameter
- Boosted Regression Forest (BRF)
- number of trees (1000, 2000)
- number of variables used in each tree (3, 5, 8)
- and many other hyper parameters
- Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
- convolution matrix dimension
- the order of convolution
- learning rate
- and many other hyper parameters
Our goal here is to find the model that would performs the best when applied to the data that has not been seen yet.
We saw earlier that training MSE is not appropriate for that purpose as picking the model with the lowest training MSE would very much likely to lead you to an over-fitted model. In this lecture, we consider a better way of selecting a model using only train data.
Here is a workflow of identifying the final model and come up with the final trained model.
- Make a list of models (e.g., RF, BRF, NN) with various hyper-parameter values to try for each of of the models (like above)
- Conduct a CV to see which model-hyper-parameter combination minimizes MSE
- Train the best model specification to the entire training dataset, which becomes your final trained model
3.2 Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation (LOOCV)
Packages to load for replication
Consider a dataset: \(D = \{X_1, y_1\}, \{X_2, y_2\}, \dots, \{X_N, y_N\}\), where \(X_i\) is a collection of features and \(y_i\) is the dependent variable for \(i\)th observation. Further, suppose you use \(D\) for training ML models and \(\hat{f}()\) is a trained model.
LOOCV leaves out a single observation (say \(i\)), and train a model (say, GAM with the number of knots of 10) using the all the other observations (-\(i\)), and then find MSE for the left-out observation. This process is repeated for all the observations, and then the average of the individual MSEs is calculated.
3.2.1 R demonstration using mgcv::gam()
Let’s demonstrate this using R. Here is the dataset we use.
# define the data generating process
# x fixed
<- function(x) {
<- (x - 2.5)^3 # E[y|x]
ey <- ey + 3 * rnorm(length(x)) # y = E[y|x] + u
y <- data.table(y = y, x = x, ey = ey)
## generate train data
<- gen_data(x = runif(100) * 5) data
Visually, here is the relationship between \(E[y]\) and \(x\):
ggplot(data = data) +
geom_line(aes(y = ey, x = x)) +
For example, for the case where the first observation is left out for validation,
# leave out the first observation
<- data[1, ]
# all the rest
<- data[-1, ] train_data
Now we train a gam model using the train_data, predict \(y\) for the first observation, and find the MSE.
#=== train the model ===#
<- gam(y ~ s(x, k = 10), sp = 0, data = train_data)
#=== predict y for the first observation ===#
<- predict(fitted, newdata = left_out_observation)
#=== get MSE ===#
<- (left_out_observation[, y] - y_fitted) ^ 2 MSE
As described above, LOOCV repeats this process for every single observation of the data. Now, let’s write a function that does the above process for any \(i\) you specify.
#=== define the modeling approach ===#
<- function(train_data)
{gam(y ~ s(x, k = 30), sp = 0, data = train_data)
#=== define the process of getting MSE for ith observation ===#
<- function(i, model)
{<- data[i, ]
# all the rest
<- data[-i, ]
#=== train the model ===#
<- model(train_data)
#=== predict y for the first observation ===#
<- predict(fitted, newdata = left_out_observation)
#=== get MSE ===#
<- (left_out_observation[, y] - y_fitted) ^ 2
For example, this gets MSE for the 10th observation.
get_mse(10, gam_k_10)
Let’s now loop over \(i = 1:100\).
mse_indiv lapply(
function(x) get_mse(x, gam_k_10)
) #=== list to a vector ===#
Here is the distribution of MSEs.
We now get the average MSE.
[1] 12.46016
3.2.2 Selecting the best GAM specification: Illustration
Now, let’s try to find the best (among the ones we try) GAM specification using LOOCV. We will try ten different GAM specifications which vary in penalization parameter. Penalization parameter can be set using the sp
option for mgcv::gam()
. A greater value of sp
leads to a more smooth fitted curve.
<- function(sp) {
specify_gam function(train_data) {
gam(y ~ s(x, k = 30), sp = sp, data = train_data)
<- function(sp)
<- specify_gam(sp)
mse_indiv lapply(
function(x) get_mse(x, temp_gam)
) #=== list to a vector ===#
unlist() %>%
return_data data.table(
mse = mse_indiv,
sp = sp
For example, the following code gets you the average MSE for sp
\(= 3\).
mse sp
1: 11.56747 3
Now, let’s loop over ten values of sp
: 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.
mse_data lapply(
seq(0, 2, by = 0.2),
function(x) get_mse_by_sp(x)
) rbindlist()
mse sp
1: 12.460156 0.0
2: 9.909992 0.2
3: 9.957858 0.4
4: 10.049327 0.6
5: 10.164749 0.8
6: 10.293142 1.0
7: 10.427948 1.2
8: 10.565081 1.4
9: 10.701933 1.6
10: 10.836829 1.8
11: 10.968701 2.0
So, according to the LOOCV, we should pick sp
\(= 0.2\) as the penalty parameter.
Now, that we know sp
\(= 0.2\) produces the lowest LOOCV MSE, we rerun gam()
using the entire dataset (not leaving out any of the observations) and make it our final trained model.
<- specify_gam(sp = 1)
<- final_gam_spec(train_data) fit_gam
Here is what the fitted curve looks like:
Looks good. By the way, here are the fitted curves for some other sp
fitted_curves lapply(
c(0, 0.6, 1, 2),
function(x) {
<- specify_gam(sp = x)
temp_gam <- temp_gam(train_data)
for (plot in fitted_curves) {
LOOCV is perfectly general and can be applied to any statistical methods. However, it can be extremely computationally burdensome because you need to fit the same model for as many as the number of observations. So, if you have 10,000 observations, then you need to fit the model 10,000 times, which can take a long long time.
3.2.3 Summary
3.3 K-fold Cross-Validation (KCV)
KCV is a type of cross-validation that overcomes the LOOCV’s drawback of being computationally too intensive when the dataset is large. KCV first splits the entire dataset intro \(K\) folds (K groups) randomly. It then leaves out a chunk of observations that belongs to a fold (group), trains the model using the rest of the observations in the other folds, evaluate the trained model using the left-out group. It repeats this process for all the groups and average the MSEs obtained for each group.
Let’s demonstrate this process using R.
<- gen_data(x = runif(500) * 5) data
You can use rsample::vfold_cv()
to split the data into groups.
#=== split into 5 groups ===#
(<- rsample::vfold_cv(data, v = 5)
data_folds )
# 5-fold cross-validation
# A tibble: 5 × 2
splits id
<list> <chr>
1 <split [400/100]> Fold1
2 <split [400/100]> Fold2
3 <split [400/100]> Fold3
4 <split [400/100]> Fold4
5 <split [400/100]> Fold5
As you can see, rsample::vfold_cv()
creates \(v\) (\(=5\) here) splits. And each split has both train and test datasets. <split [400/100]>
means that \(400\) and \(100\) observations for the train and test datasets, respectively. Note that, the \(100\) observations in the first split (called Fold 1
) are in the train datasets of the rest of the splits (Fold 2
through Fold 5
You can extract the train and test datasets like below using the training()
and testing()
<- data_folds[1, ]$splits[[1]] %>% training()
train_data <- data_folds[1, ]$splits[[1]] %>% testing() test_data
Now, let’s get MSE for the first fold.
#=== train the model ===#
<- gam(y ~ s(x, k = 30), sp = 0, data = train_data)
#=== predict y for the test data ===#
<- predict(fitted_model, test_data)
#=== calculate MSE for the fold ===#
- y_hat)^2 %>% mean() (test_data[, y]
[1] 12.05604
Now that we know how to get MSE for a single fold, let’s loop over folds and get MSE for each of the folds. We first create a function that gets us MSE for a single fold.
<- function(data, fold, model)
<- data_folds[fold, ]$splits[[1]] %>% testing()
test_data <- data_folds[fold, ]$splits[[1]] %>% training()
#=== train the model ===#
<- model(train_data)
#=== predict y for the test data ===#
<- predict(fitted_model, test_data)
#=== calculate MSE for the fold ===#
<- (test_data[, y] - y_hat)^2 %>% mean()
return_data data.table(
k = fold,
mse = mse
This will get you MSE for the third fold.
get_mse_by_fold(data, 3, gam_k_10)
k mse
1: 3 10.65129
Now, let’s loop over the row number of data_folds
(loop over splits
mse_all lapply(
function(x) get_mse_by_fold(data, x, gam_k_10)
) rbindlist()
k mse
1: 1 12.056038
2: 2 9.863496
3: 3 10.651289
4: 4 10.705704
5: 5 10.166634
By averaging MSE values, we get
mean(mse)] mse_all[,
[1] 10.68863
3.3.1 Selecting the best GAM specification: Illustration
Just like we found the best gam specification (choice of penalization parameter) using LOOCV, we do the same now using KCV.
<- function(sp)
<- specify_gam(sp)
mse_by_k lapply(
function(x) get_mse_by_fold(train_data, x, temp_gam)
) rbindlist()
return_data %>%
mse_by_k := sp]
.[, sp
For example, the following code gets you the MSE for all the folds for sp
\(= 3\).
k mse sp
1: 1 13.56925 3
2: 2 11.22831 3
3: 3 11.45746 3
4: 4 10.48461 3
5: 5 11.29421 3
Now, let’s loop over ten values of sp
: 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.
mse_results lapply(
seq(0, 2, by = 0.2),
function(x) get_mse_by_sp_kcv(x)
) rbindlist()
k mse sp
1: 1 12.056038 0.0
2: 2 9.863496 0.0
3: 3 10.651289 0.0
4: 4 10.705704 0.0
5: 5 10.166634 0.0
6: 1 11.476153 0.2
7: 2 9.840434 0.2
8: 3 9.813155 0.2
9: 4 10.289085 0.2
10: 5 9.895722 0.2
11: 1 11.620416 0.4
12: 2 9.882467 0.4
13: 3 9.916178 0.4
14: 4 10.239119 0.4
15: 5 9.992636 0.4
16: 1 11.785544 0.6
17: 2 9.952820 0.6
18: 3 10.033789 0.6
19: 4 10.218321 0.6
20: 5 10.090156 0.6
21: 1 11.957640 0.8
22: 2 10.040814 0.8
23: 3 10.156511 0.8
24: 4 10.211168 0.8
25: 5 10.189377 0.8
26: 1 12.130712 1.0
27: 2 10.140277 1.0
28: 3 10.281839 1.0
29: 4 10.213564 1.0
30: 5 10.290230 1.0
31: 1 12.301318 1.2
32: 2 10.246975 1.2
33: 3 10.408152 1.2
34: 4 10.223465 1.2
35: 5 10.392306 1.2
36: 1 12.467400 1.4
37: 2 10.357879 1.4
38: 3 10.534197 1.4
39: 4 10.239448 1.4
40: 5 10.495093 1.4
41: 1 12.627767 1.6
42: 2 10.470802 1.6
43: 3 10.659006 1.6
44: 4 10.260390 1.6
45: 5 10.598085 1.6
46: 1 12.781780 1.8
47: 2 10.584159 1.8
48: 3 10.781853 1.8
49: 4 10.285370 1.8
50: 5 10.700824 1.8
51: 1 12.929162 2.0
52: 2 10.696811 2.0
53: 3 10.902210 2.0
54: 4 10.313617 2.0
55: 5 10.802917 2.0
k mse sp
Let’s now get the average MSE by sp:
(<- mse_results[, .(mean_mse = mean(mse)), by = sp]
mean_mse_data )
sp mean_mse
1: 0.0 10.68863
2: 0.2 10.26291
3: 0.4 10.33016
4: 0.6 10.41613
5: 0.8 10.51110
6: 1.0 10.61132
7: 1.2 10.71444
8: 1.4 10.81880
9: 1.6 10.92321
10: 1.8 11.02680
11: 2.0 11.12894
So, according to the KCV, we should pick sp
\(= 0.2\) as the penalty parameter.
By the way, here is what MSE values look like for each fold based on the value of sp
by fold.
ggplot(data = mse_results) +
geom_line(aes(y = mse, x = sp, color = factor(k))) +
scale_color_discrete(name = "Fold") +
3.4 Repeated K-fold Cross-Validation (RKCV)
As its name suggests, repeated KCV repeats the process of KCV multiple times. Each KCV iteration splits the original data into k-fold in a different way. A single KCV may not be reliable as the original data can be split into such a way that favors one parameter set of or model class over the others. However, if we repeat KCV multiple times, then we can safe-guard against this randomness in a KCV procedure. Repeated KCV is preferred over a single KCV.
You can use rsample::vfold_cv()
to create repeated k-fold datasets by using the repeats
#=== split into 5 groups ===#
(<- rsample::vfold_cv(data, v = 5, repeats = 5)
data_folds )
# 5-fold cross-validation repeated 5 times
# A tibble: 25 × 3
splits id id2
<list> <chr> <chr>
1 <split [400/100]> Repeat1 Fold1
2 <split [400/100]> Repeat1 Fold2
3 <split [400/100]> Repeat1 Fold3
4 <split [400/100]> Repeat1 Fold4
5 <split [400/100]> Repeat1 Fold5
6 <split [400/100]> Repeat2 Fold1
7 <split [400/100]> Repeat2 Fold2
8 <split [400/100]> Repeat2 Fold3
9 <split [400/100]> Repeat2 Fold4
10 <split [400/100]> Repeat2 Fold5
# … with 15 more rows
The output has 5 (number of folds) times 5 (number of repeats) splits. It also has an additional column that indicates which repeat each row is in (id
). You can apply get_mse_by_fold()
(this function is defined above and calculate MSE) to each row (split) one by one and calculate MSE just like we did above.
mean_mse lapply(
function(x) get_mse_by_fold(data, x, gam_k_10)
) rbindlist() %>%
.[, )
[1] 10.65908