Transformation of variables is allowed without disturbing our analytical framework as long as the model is linear in parameter .
Transformation of variables change the interpretation of the coefficients estimates
Example models
\(log(y_i)= \beta_0+\beta_1 x_i + u_i\)
\(y_i= \beta_0+\beta_1 log(x_i) + u_i\)
\(log(y_i)= \beta_0+\beta_1 log(x_i) + u_i\)
\(y_i= \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_i + \beta_2 x_i^2 + u_i\)
In the models we just saw, the dependent variable and independent variable are non-linearly related, how come are these models called simple linear model?
“linear” in simple linear model means that the model is linear in parameter , but not in variable
Examples: Non-linear models
\[\begin{align*} y_i=\beta_0+x_i^{\beta_1}+u_i \\ y_i=\frac{x_i}{\beta_0+\beta_1 x_i}+u_i \end{align*}\]Note
Transformation of the dependent and independent variables would not affect the properties of the OLS estimator as long as the model is linear in parameter.
Consider a following model:
\[\begin{align*} \mbox{corn yield} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \cdot \mbox{fertilizer} + \mu \end{align*}\]Question
What is wrong with this model?
\[\begin{align} log(y_i)= \beta_0+\beta_1 x_i + u_i \notag \end{align}\]Calculus
Differentiating the both sides wrt \(x_i\),
\[\begin{align} \frac{1}{y_i}\cdot\frac{\partial y_i}{\partial x_i} = \beta_1 \Rightarrow \frac{\Delta y_i}{y_i} = \beta_1 \Delta x_i \notag \end{align}\]Interpretation
\(\beta_1\) measures a percentage change in \(y_i\) (once multiplied by 100) when \(x_i\) is increased by one unit
\[\begin{align} log(wage)=\beta_0 + \beta_1 educ + u \notag \end{align}\]Calculus
Differentiating both sides with respect to \(educ\),
\[\begin{align} \frac{1}{wage} \frac{\partial wage}{\partial educ} = \beta_1 \Rightarrow \frac{\Delta wage}{wage} = \beta_1\Delta educ\notag \end{align}\]Interpretation
If education increases by 1 year \((\Delta educ=1)\), then wage increases by \(\beta_1*100\%\) \((\frac{\Delta wage}{wage}=\beta_1)\)
When you estimate the following model using the wage dataset:
\[log(wage)=\beta_0 + \beta_1 educ + u \notag\]
Then, the estimated equation is the following:
\[\begin{align} \widehat{log(wage)}=0.584+0.083 educ \notag \end{align}\] \[\begin{align} E[\widehat{wage}]=e^{0.584+0.083 educ} \end{align}\]Model
\[\begin{align} y_i= \beta_0+\beta_1 log(x_i) +u_i \notag \end{align}\]Calculus
Differentiating the both sides wrt \(x_i\),
\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial y_i}{\partial x_i} = \frac{\beta_1}{x_i} \Rightarrow \Delta y_i = \beta_1\frac{\Delta x_i}{x_i} \notag \end{align}\]Interpretation
When \(x\) increases by 0.01 (\(1\%\)) \(y\) increases by \(\beta_1 \times 0.01\).
\[y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 log(x) = 1 + 2 \times log(x)\]
\[\begin{align} log(y_i)= \beta_0+\beta_1 log(x_i) +u_i \notag \end{align}\]Calculus
Differentiating the both sides wrt \(x_i\),
\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial y_i}{y_i}/\frac{\partial x_i}{x_i} = \beta_1 \Rightarrow \frac{\Delta y_i}{y_i} = \beta_1 \frac{\Delta x_i}{x_i}\notag \end{align}\]Interpretation
A percentage change in \(x\) would result in a \(\beta_1\) percentage change in \(y_i\) (constant elasticity)
\(y_i= \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_i + \beta_2 x_i^2 + u_i\)
Differentiating the both sides wrt \(x_i\),
\(\frac{\partial y_i}{\partial x_i} = \beta_1 + 2*\beta_2 x_i\Rightarrow \Delta y_i = (\beta_1 + 2*\beta_2 x_i)\Delta x_i\)
When \(x\) increases by 1 unit \((\Delta x_i=1)\), \(y\) increases by \(\beta_1 + 2*\beta_2 x_i\)
Quadratic functional form is quite flexible.
\(y = x + x^2\) \((\beta_1 = 1, \beta_2 = 1)\)
\(y = 3x-2x^2\) \((\beta_1 = 3, \beta_2 = -2)\)
Education impacts of income
The marginal impact of education (the impact of a small change in education on income) may differ what level of education you have had:
How much does it help to have two more years of education when you have had education until elementary school?
How much does it help to have two more years of education when you have graduated a college?
How much does it help to spend two more years as a Ph.D student if you have already spent six years in a Ph.D program
The marginal impact of education does not seem to be linear.
When you want to include a variable that is a transformation of an existing variable, you can use I()
function in which you write the mathematical expression of the desired transformation.
Estimated Model
\(wage = 5.60 - 2.12\times female -0.416\times educ + 0.039\times educ^2\)
According to the estimated model, the marginal impact of \(educ\) is:
\(\frac{\partial wage}{\partial educ} = -0.416+0.039\times 2\times educ\)
When \(educ = 4\), additional year of education is going to increase hourly wage by -0.104 on average
When \(educ = 10\), additional year of education is going to increase hourly wage by 0.364 on average
Let’s work with the income model, in which the marginal impact of \(educ\) is:
\[\begin{align*} \frac{\partial wage}{\partial educ} = -0.416+0.039\times 2\times educ \end{align*}\]Question
So, is the marginal impact of \(educ\) statistically significantly different from \(0\)?
Estimated model
\(wage = 0.62+0.51 \times educ\)
What is the marginal impact of \(educ\)?
Does the marginal impact of education vary depending on the level of education?
You can just test if \(\hat{\beta}_{educ}\) (the marginal impact of education) is statistically significantly different from \(0\), which is just a t-test.
With the quadratic specification
The marginal impact of education varies depending on your education level
There is no single test that tells you whether the marginal impact of education is statistically significant universally
Indeed, you need different tests for different values education levels
Marginal impact of education
\(\hat{\beta}_{educ} + \hat{\beta}_{educ^2} \times 2 \times educ\)
Hypothesis testing
Does additional year of education has a statistically significant impact (positive or negative) if your current education level is 4?
\(H_0\): \(\hat{\beta}_{educ} + \hat{\beta}_{educ^2} \times 2 \times 4 =0\)
\(H_1\): \(\hat{\beta}_{educ} + \hat{\beta}_{educ^2} \times 2 \times 4 \ne 0\)
Is this
\(t = \frac{\hat{\beta}_{educ} + \hat{\beta}_{educ^2} \times 2 \times 4}{se(\hat{\beta}_{educ} + \hat{\beta}_{educ^2} \times 2 \times 4)} = \frac{\hat{\beta}_{educ} + \hat{\beta}_{educ^2} \times 8}{se(\hat{\beta}_{educ} + \hat{\beta}_{educ^2} \times 8)}\)
Remember, a trick to do this test using R is take advantage of the fact that \(F_{1, n-k-1} \sim t_{n-k-1}^2\).
Since the p-value is 0.529, we do not reject the null.
Marginal impact of education
\(\hat{\beta}_{educ} + \hat{\beta}_{educ^2} \times 2 \times educ\)
Hypothesis testing
Does additional year of education has a statistically significant impact (positive or negative) if your current education level is 10?
\(H_0\): \(\hat{\beta}_{educ} + \hat{\beta}_{educ^2} \times 2 \times 10 =0\)
\(H_1\): \(\hat{\beta}_{educ} + \hat{\beta}_{educ^2} \times 2 \times 10 \ne 0\)
Is this
\(t = \frac{\hat{\beta}_{educ} + \hat{\beta}_{educ^2} \times 2 \times 10}{se(\hat{\beta}_{educ} + \hat{\beta}_{educ^2} \times 2 \times 10)} = \frac{\hat{\beta}_{educ} + \hat{\beta}_{educ^2} \times 20}{se(\hat{\beta}_{educ} + \hat{\beta}_{educ^2} \times 20)}\)
Since the much lower than is 0.01, we can reject the null at the 1% level.
A variable that is a multiplication of two variables
\(educ\times exper\)
A model with an interaction term
\(wage = \beta_0 + \beta_1 exper + \beta_2 educ \times exper + u\)
Marginal impact of education:
\(\frac{\partial wage}{\partial exper} = \beta_1+\beta_2\times educ\)
The marginal impact of experience depends on education
\(\beta_1\): the marginal impact of experience when \(educ=0\)
if \(\beta_2>0\): additional year of experience is worth more when you have more years of education
Just like the quadratic case with \(educ^2\), you can use I()
Estimated Model
\(wage = 6.121 - 2.418 \times female - 0.188 \times exper + 0.020 \times educ \times exper\)
Marginal impact of experience
\(\frac{\partial wage}{\partial exper} = - 0.188 + 0.020 \times educ\)
Marginal impact of \(exper\):
Histogram of education:
Just like the case of the quadratic specification of education, marginal impact of experience is not constant
We can test if the marginal impact of experience is statistically significant for a given level of education
Does additional year of experience has a statistically significant impact (positive or negative) if your current education level is 10
\(H_0\): \(\hat{\beta}_{exper} + \hat{\beta}_{exper\_educ} \times 10=0\)
\(H_1\): \(\hat{\beta}_{exper} + \hat{\beta}_{exper\_educ} \times 10=0\)
How do we include qualitative information as an independent variable?
male or female (binary)
married or single (binary)
high-school, college, masters, or Ph.D (more than two states)
Dummy variable
Relevant information in binary variables can be captured by a zero-one variable that takes the value of \(1\) for one state and \(0\) for the other state
We use “dummy variable” to refer to a binary (zero-one) variable
\(wage = \beta_0 +\sigma_f female +\beta_2 educ + u\)
: \(E[wage|female=1,educ] = \beta_0 + \sigma_f +\beta_2 educ\)
: \(E[wage|female=0,educ] = \beta_0 + \beta_2 educ\)
This means that
\(\sigma_f = E[wage|female=1,educ]-E[wage|female=0,educ]\)
\(\sigma_f\) is the difference in the expected wage conditional on education between female and male
\(\sigma_f\) measures how much more (less) female workers make compared to male workers ( baseline ) if they were to have the same education level
R implementation
Female workers make -2.2733619 ($/hour) less than male workers on average even though they have the same education level.
\(wage = \beta_0 +\sigma_m male +\beta_2 educ + u\)
: \(E[wage|male = 1,educ] = \beta_0 + \sigma_m +\beta_2 educ\)
: \(E[wage|male = 0,educ] = \beta_0 + \beta_2 educ\)
This means that
\(\sigma_m = E[wage|male=1,educ]-E[wage|male=0,educ]\)
\(\sigma_m\) is the difference in the expected wage conditional on education between female and male
\(\sigma_m\) measures how much more (less) male workers make compared to female workers (baseline) if they were to have the same education level
Whichever status that is given the value of \(0\) becomes the baseline
Regression results
Male workers make NA ($/hour) more than female workers on average even though they have the same education level.
What do you think will happen if we include both male and female dummy variables?
They contain redundant information
Indeed, including both of them along with the intercept would cause perfect collinearity problem
So, you need to drop either one of them
In the model, \(intercept = male + female\), which causes perfec collinearity.
Here is what happens if you include both:
One of the variables that cause perfect collinearity is automatically dropped.
In the previous example, the impact of education on wage was modeled to be exactly the same
Can we build a more flexible model that allows us to estimate the differential impacts of education on wage between male and female?
A more flexible model
\(wage = \beta_0 + \sigma_f female +\beta_2 educ + \gamma female\times educ + u\)
: \(E[wage|female=1,educ] = \beta_0 + \sigma_f +(\beta_2+\gamma) educ\)male
: \(E[wage|female=0,educ] = \beta_0 + \beta_2 educ\)Interpretation
For female, education is more effective by \(\gamma\) than it is for male.
The marginal benefit of education is 0.086 ($/hour) less for females workers than for male workers on average.
Consider a variable called \(degree\) which has three status values: college, master, and doctor.
Unlike a binary variable, there are three status values.
How do we include a categorical variable like this in a model?
What do we do about this?
You can create three dummy variables likes below:
: 1 if the highest degree is college, 0 otherwisemaster
: 1 if the highest degree is Master’s, 0 otherwisedoctor
: 1 if the highest degree is Ph.D., 0 otherwiseYou then include two (the number of status values - 1) of the three dummy variables:
\(wage = \beta_0 + \sigma_m master +\sigma_d doctor + \beta_1 educ + u\)
\(\sigma_m\): the impact of having a MS degree relative to having a college degree
\(\sigma_d\): the impact of having a Ph.D. degree relative to having a college degree
The omitted category (here, college
) becomes the baseline.
Structural difference refers to the fundamental differences in the model of a phenomenon in the population:
Male: \(cumgpa = \alpha_0 + \alpha_1 sat + \alpha_2 hsperc + \alpha_3 tothrs + u\)
Female: \(cumgpa = \beta_0 + \beta_1 sat + \beta_2 hsperc + \beta_3 tothrs + u\)
\(cumgpa\): college grade points averages for male and female college athletes
\(sat\): SAT score
\(hsperc\): high school rank percentile
\(tothrs\): total hours of college courses
In this example,
\(cumgpa\) are determined in a fundamentally different manner between female and male students.
You do not want to run a single regression that fits a single model for both female and male students.
If you suspect that the underlying process of how the dependent variable is determined vary across groups, then you should test that hypothesis!
To do so,
You estimate the model that allows to estimate separate models across groups within a single regression analysis.
A more flexible model
\[cumgpa = \beta_0 + \sigma_0 female + \beta_1 sat + \sigma_1 (sat \times female)\] \[\;\; + \beta_2 hsperc + \sigma_2 (hsperc \times female)\] \[\qquad + \beta_3 tothrs + \sigma_3 (tothrs \times female) + u\]
Male: \(E[cumgpa] = \beta_0 + \beta_1 sat + \beta_2 hsperc + \beta_3 tothrs\) Female: \(E[cumgpa] = (\beta_0 +\sigma_0) + (\beta_1+\sigma_1) sat + (\beta_2+\sigma_2) hsperc + (\beta_3+\sigma_3) tothrs\)
Null Hypothesis
What test do we do? t-test or F-test?
Run the unrestricted model with all the interaction terms:
Regression results
What do you see?
None of the variables that involve \(female\) are statistically significant at the 5% level individually.
Does this mean that \(male\) and \(female\) students have the same regression function?
No, we are testing the joint significance of the coefficients. We need to do an \(F\)-test!
Take a look at the data,
You can use the i()
function inside fixest::feols()
like below:
ref = "Indiana U"
sets the base category to "Indiana U"
So, for example, the highlighted line means that faculty members at Michigan State U make \(9,118\) USD less annually than those at Indiana U.
You do not have to make bunch of dummy variables like the original dataset. Just use i(catergory_variable)
You can use i()
for creating interactions of a categorical variable and a continuous variable.
Suppose you are interested in understanding the impact of pubindx
(continuous) by university
(categorical), then
So, the marginal impact of pubindex
is \(436\) greater for those at Michigan State U than those at Indiana U.
Small value of \(R^2\) does not mean the end of the world (In fact, we could not care less about it.)
\[ecolabs = \beta_0 + \beta_1 regprc + \beta_2 ecoprc\]
Note that \(R^2\) is very small. Is this a problem?
What happens if you scale up/down variables used in regression?
hourly wage increases by \(0.506\) if education increases by a year
hourly wage increases by \(0.0422\) if education increases by a month
According to the scaled model, hourly wage increases by \(0.0422 * 12\) if education increases by a year (12 months).
That is, the estimated marginal impact of education on wage from the scaled model is the same as that from the non-scaled model.
When an independent variable is scaled,